Tiger Barb - Puntigrus tetrazona 3-4cm
✅ Size:4cm ✅ Tiger Barbs are a wonderful addition to any aquarium, not only because of their striking coloration but also for their lively behavior. ✅ Tank mates: Loaches, Platy, Catfishes Consider aggressive if not in a group. - Water pH 6.5 pH- Temperature Range...- From 5.95 AUD
8.50 AUD- From 5.95 AUD
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Barb - Cherry 3cm
✅ Size: 3 cm. ✅ Cherry barbs are brightly colored fish and one of the most popular in the barb fish family. Their bright colors and schooling nature are adored by aquarists of all levels. ✅ Cherry barbs are hardy fish which makes these fish perfect for...- From 4.95 AUD
7.50 AUD- From 4.95 AUD
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Barb - Rosy Bronze 3.5cm
✅ Size: 3.5-4.5cm ✅ Rosy Barbs are one of the most popular and readily available fish for aquarium hobbyists. ✅ Rosy Barbs are an active fish with a peaceful temperament and bright color. The rosy barb is one of the larger members of the barb species, and it can...- From 3.95 AUD
5.95 AUD- From 3.95 AUD
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Moss Green Tiger Barb - Puntius tetrazona 4cm Show
Moss Green Tiger Barb ✅ Size: 4cm ✅ Green Tiger barbs are schooling fish and the bigger the school in which they’re kept, the better for the fish. It’s best to keep these fish in groups of at least 6 or 7 is because...- From 8.50 AUD
15.00 AUD- From 8.50 AUD
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Barb - Ruby 3cm
✅ Size: 3 cm. ✅ The Ruby Barb is a peaceful, beautiful small barb from the forested streams of Sri Lanka, off the southern coast of India. ✅ Best described as a friendly omnivorous tank mate, it may have issues with being out-competed by larger, more carnivorous fish. ✅Info:...- From 6.50 AUD
6.99 AUD- From 6.50 AUD
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Albino Tiger Barb - Puntius tetrazona
Barb ✅ Size: 3 cm ✅ barbs are schooling fish and the bigger the school in which they’re kept, the better for the fish. It’s best to keep these fish in groups of at least 6 or 7 is because of their aggressive tendencies when...- From 6.50 AUD
8.50 AUD- From 6.50 AUD
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Barb – Longfin Platinum/Gold Barbs (Puntius tetrazona) 4cm
Barb ✅ Barbs are schooling fish and the bigger the school in which they’re kept, the better for the fish. It’s best to keep these fish in groups of at least 6 or 7 is because of their aggressive tendencies when kept alone...- 29.00 AUD
55.00 AUD- 29.00 AUD
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Golden Barb Neon
Golden Neon Barb ✅ Size: 4cm ✅ Barbs are schooling fish and the bigger the school in which they’re kept, the better for the fish. It’s best to keep these fish in groups of at least 6 or 7 is because of their aggressive tendencies...- From 6.50 AUD
6.50 AUD- From 6.50 AUD
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Barb - Cherry Longfin
✅ Size: 3 cm. ✅ Cherry barbs are brightly colored fish and one of the most popular in the barb fish family. Their bright colors and schooling nature are adored by aquarists of all levels. ✅ Cherry barbs are hardy fish which makes these fish perfect for...- From 8.95 AUD
12.95 AUD- From 8.95 AUD
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Barb - Oliotius oligolepis - Checkered Barb 3cm
✅Checker Barb Facts These fish get their name from their shiny silver and black scaling that mimics a checkerboard pattern. They get their species name Oligolepis from the ancient greek word Oligoi, meaning ‘few,’ and Lepis meaning ‘fish scale.’ Although they are native to...- From 4.50 AUD
8.99 AUD- From 4.50 AUD
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Barb - Dawkinsia tambraparniei 3cm
Barb ✅ Barbs are schooling fish and the bigger the school in which they’re kept, the better for the fish. It’s best to keep these fish in groups of at least 6 or 7 is because of their aggressive tendencies when kept alone...- From 12.95 AUD
16.00 AUD- From 12.95 AUD
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Melon Barb 4cm
Melon Barb ✅We ignore one particular Indian gem — the Melon barb, Haludaria fasciata — at such considerable loss. Let’s start with the merits. Right off the bat there’s this fish’s acceptance of a wide range of conditions. There’s nothing extreme about the...- From 12.95 AUD
14.95 AUD- From 12.95 AUD
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Barb - Barbodes lateristriga 6cm Show
Barb ✅ Barbs are schooling fish and the bigger the school in which they’re kept, the better for the fish. It’s best to keep these fish in groups of at least 6 or 7 is because of their aggressive tendencies when kept alone...- 25.00 AUD
35.00 AUD- 25.00 AUD
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Barb - Lined Barb 5cm Nice Size
Barb ✅ Barbs are schooling fish and the bigger the school in which they’re kept, the better for the fish. It’s best to keep these fish in groups of at least 6 or 7 is because of their aggressive tendencies when kept alone...- From 16.00 AUD
19.00 AUD- From 16.00 AUD
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