Anubias barteri var. nana 'petite'
Nana petite Anubias. The Anubias nana ‘Petite’ originates from West Africa amd is one of the smallest Anubias species. It is popular among aquascapers for its hardiness, its low lighting requirements and its ability to grow without substrate, allowing placement on driftwood and rocks. The...- 24.95 AUD
28.00 AUD- 24.95 AUD
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Rare Philippine Java fern - Microsorum pteropus
Rare Philippine Java fern Key features: ✅ Striking heavily bullous leaf structure✅ Fresh green in colour ✅ Relatively small Java fern variant ✅ Rarely found in trade ✅ Size: The height of this plant is 5 - 10 cm ✅ Sell from 4 - 7 leaves...- 25.00 AUD
35.00 AUD- 25.00 AUD
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Mini Bolbitis (Baby Leaf) Bolbitis Heteroclita Difformis - Rare
Mini Bolbitis (Baby Leaf) Bоlbitis heterосlitа "diffоrmis" is а smаll, fine-leаved fоrm оf B. heterосlitа, оriginаting frоm the Рhiliррines. It is аlsо sоld under the trаde nаmes "Mini Bоlbitis", "Dаvаlliа sр.", "Bоlbitis Dаvаlliа sр." оr "Bоlbitis diffоrmis". This fern grоws very slоwly underwаter аnd...- 35.00 AUD
45.00 AUD- 35.00 AUD
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Low Tech Rare- Echinodorus amazon 'White Flame “
Echinodorus 'White Flame' - Hardy and Gorgeous Aquarium Plant In Australia, we're all about the Echinodorus 'White Flame'. It's a stunning aquatic plant that wins hearts. It's hardy and thrives in many aquarium conditions, bringing natural beauty to any underwater scene. Close-up of Echinodorus...- 19.99 AUD
45.00 AUD- 19.99 AUD
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Low Tech - Echinodorus amazon 'Reni “
Echinodorus amazon ' Reni' Description Echinodorus 'Reni' is a popular aquatic plant used in freshwater aquariums. It belongs to the Echinodorus genus, known for its attractive, broad leaves and easy maintenance. Here are some special features of Echinodorus 'Reni': 1. **Compact Size**: 'Reni' is...- 19.00 AUD
49.00 AUD- 19.00 AUD
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Rare Cryptocoryne Nurii Rosen Maiden
Cryptocoryne Description Notes: Cryptocoryne prefer not to be moved once planted. If possible, do not move them! Do not make drastic changes to the aquarium. Unstable parameters will result in melt and rotting of the aquarium plant. CO2 injection and quality aquarium soil will...- 35.00 AUD
80.00 AUD- 35.00 AUD
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Rare - Spoon Leaf Java Fern
RARE SPOON LEAF JAVA FERN Key features: ✅ An extremely rare type of Java Fern that has very unique spooning and curving leaves.✅ The leaves of this RARE Spoon leaf Java Fern uniquely form a curve and broad leaves either horizontal and vertical in two days....- 35.00 AUD
45.00 AUD- 35.00 AUD
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Echinodorus amazon 'Red Bear”
Echinodorus amazon 'Red Bear' Description Notes: Echinodorus Sword is a rare type of Amazon Sword which green leaves with red markings throughout. Like most swords, they should be planted directly into the substrate. When using inert substrate such as sand or gravel, it...- 19.00 AUD
39.00 AUD- 19.00 AUD
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Echinodorus amazon 'Fancy Twist “
Echinodorus amazon ' Fancy Twist' Description Echinodorus 'Fancy Twist' is a distinctive and attractive aquatic plant known for its unique appearance and appealing characteristics. Here are some special features that make Echinodorus 'Fancy Twist' stand out: 1. **Unique Leaf Shape and Twisting Pattern**: The...- 12.95 AUD
29.00 AUD- 12.95 AUD
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Echinodorus amazon 'AC Sunrise'
Echinodorus sp. 'AC Sunrise' EMERSED - Vibrant Aquatic Plant for Aquariums We're excited to share the Echinodorus sp. 'AC Sunrise' with you. This vibrant aquatic plant brings life to your aquarium. Our team at Micro Aquatic Shop in Australia grows this emersed Echinodorus variety....- 19.00 AUD
35.00 AUD- 19.00 AUD
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Microsorum Pteropus Needle - Java Fern Needle Leaf
The benefit of Plants EASY TO PLANTING - simply throw it into your water. Really - even if you just drop it in, it'll start growing. All the roots and leaves extend out of this. A great benefit to this plant is that it does not...- 18.00 AUD
19.95 AUD- 18.00 AUD
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True Micro Java Fern
Why we love this? - Striking heavily leaf structure- Fresh green in colour- Relatively small Java fern variant- Rarely found in trading Micro Java Fern does best when attached to rocks or driftwood where it will bind itself onto the surface. It can be planted...- 25.00 AUD
45.00 AUD- 25.00 AUD
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Cryptocoryne Flamingo Red - Rare
Cryptocoryne Flamingo Description Common Name: Crypt Flamingo, Crypt Pink Panther Crypt Flamingo is one of our favorites . The ruffled leaves and pink coloration really sets this plant apart from the other more common Crypts. This is extremely rare and sought after plant from collectors. The...- 45.00 AUD
80.00 AUD- 45.00 AUD
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Mixture Bucephalandra On the Rock
Bucephalandra is one of the hаrdy рlаnts thаt саn be grоwn emersed оr submerged in the аquаrium, terrаrium, аnd раludаrium. It requires оnly lоw tо mоderаte lighting аnd саn thrive in а vаriety оf wаter раrаmeters. With рrорer саre, Buсe Рlаnt will grоw аt...- From 39.95 AUD
89.95 AUD- From 39.95 AUD
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Cryptocoryne TONKINENSIS - Rare
Cryptocoryne Description Notes: Cryptocoryne prefer not to be moved once planted. If possible, do not move them! Do not make drastic changes to the aquarium. Unstable parameters will result in melt and rotting of the aquarium plant. CO2 injection and quality aquarium soil will...- 35.00 AUD
55.00 AUD- 35.00 AUD
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