Top 12 Tank Mates to Keep With Cherry Shrimp
Cherry shrimp have always been a popular choice for every aquarist because they can be bred easily, are peaceful, easy to care for, and are friendly to any species in your tank.
However, if you are not careful, they can be bullied and eaten by other fish you put in their tank. Therefore, it is essential to be cautious in choosing the same tank species as the Red Cherry Shrimp.
Read the article here for more info about setting up a cherry shrimp tank, food, and breeding.
Here are 12 species that Micro Aquatic Shop recommends adding to your cherry shrimp tank. Now, let's go !!!
Neon Tetras are great aquarium companions for Red Cherry shrimp. They live in harmony and bring a splash to your aquarium. You only need to ensure that the tank is large enough to accommodate both species, as they will need plenty of space to swim and explore the world around them.
Tetra neon prefers water with a pH of 6.8 – 7.5, which is the same as the pH of a cherry shrimp) and a temperature of about 75 ℉.
However, they will eat the baby shrimp if they catch them, so if you want to breed your cherry shrimp, you should provide plenty of Java Moss and other dense plants for the baby shrimp to hide in. Or you can separate the tank to raise baby shrimp until they are mature enough, then release them back into the general tank.
Ember tetras are mild-mannered. They are bright red and look adorable if your aquarium has blue variations of red cherry shrimp. They can be kept with red cherry shrimp.
Ember tetra is a docile fish that does not disturb other fish. They are 0.6 to 0.8 inches long and much smaller than your cherry shrimp when mature. They are a school of fish and will feel safe in groups of six or more.
They will eat detritus, freeze-dried bloodworms, powdered food mixes, and any micro pellets small enough to fit in their mouths.
They prefer the same temperature as the Red Cherry Shrimp, although they prefer slightly more acidic water. However, depending on your water parameters, you can make them work compatible.
Ramshorn snails are another species of snail that will spawn in your aquarium. The difference is that these snails have a very nice-looking colour.
Blue snails are our favourite, but they also come in pink or brown, and you can find them striped or spotted in addition to the plain-coloured varieties. They will eat algae and powdered food. They do well in most of the water conditions in which the Red Cherry Shrimp live.
Read more about 9+ Helpful Snails For Your Next Freshwater Aquarium, especially Ramshorn Snail.
Otocinclus is the safest fish in the aquarium hobby. They are peaceful herbivores, so that they won't disturb other creatures in your aquarium.
Otos will eat the same foods as red cherry shrimp - algae, blanched vegetables, etc., so they can eat each other's leftovers.
They also like the exact water temperature and pH. Otocinclus are entirely peaceful, meaning they will not attack even juvenile shrimp. These species can live together in the same tank if you have a 10-gallon or larger tank.
Bamboo Shrimp is a peaceful species whose personality resembles the Red Chery Shrimp.
They live happily together, and you must provide them with nutritious food and a healthy water environment.
They require the same water conditions as cherry shrimp, so any tank holding Red Cherry Shrimp can have bamboo shrimp if your tank is at least 20 gallons or more.
Brigittae Rasboras are very peaceful fish and can be kept with red cherry shrimp without any problems. They won't chase red cherry shrimp or be aggressive with any species. They also won't disturb other fish in your aquarium. Therefore, it can be a perfect fish to keep with the Red Cherry Shrimp.
It is best to avoid keeping Brigittae Rasbora with larger fish like the red cherry shrimp, as they can be bullied or eaten immediately. This species is often sold as a nano-fish, so if you have a small shrimp tank, this could be a perfect choice.
Corydoras is a good choice for a cherry shrimp tank. They are gentle and come in a variety of colours and patterns. You will find it quite interesting to watch them swim around and sift through your sand.
You will need to add at least six fish to your aquarium. For this reason, you need a tank of at least 10 gallons for dwarf Corys or 20 gallons for regular-sized varieties - with plenty of hiding places and plenty of room to swim around.
Adult Cory Catfish are smaller than adult cherry shrimp, so they do not threaten your cherry shrimp.
Mysterious snails are another entirely peaceful alternative to a snail tank. They will eat dead shrimp but not chase the slowest-moving red cherry and young shrimp in your tank.
They may not be as colourful as shrimp, but they still come in various shell and skin colours to look good against the shrimp's colour.
They are a beneficial member of your aquarium cleaning team. They will eat the algae, and any leftovers left behind by your shrimp, reducing its impact on the water quality of your aquarium.
They are omnivores, and they also eat living things. Because of this, there is some speculation on the internet about whether they might try to catch a shrimp here or there if given a chance.
We've been keeping the pleco clown and red cherry shrimp in our aquarium for a while now. We've never had a problem with it eating any shrimp and haven't seen them attack any cherry shrimp, either.
Pleco clownfish have many benefits, namely that they will eat algae on the surface of your aquarium. However, they are timid, so meeting them can take months.
One note is that you must provide them with driftwood to keep them healthy.
Bristlenose plecos are another algae eater that will work in tanks with red cherry shrimp. The standard bristly plecos are greyish-grey or brownish, but you can also have them in fun colours like yellow or super red.
Bristlenose Plecos can live healthy in tanks with the water environment in which Red Cherry Shrimp live. Give them driftwood to keep them healthy.
Hatchetfish is another good choice for red cherry shrimp. In addition to being bizarre-looking fish, they mostly live at the top of the aquarium and feed from the surface. Therefore, you can be sure that they will not attack any of your shrimp.
They are so dependent on floating food that they can starve to death if the food sinks too quickly for them to eat. They like to live in the same water temperature as the red cherry shrimp, with a slightly lower PH which should be fine.
Endlers livebearers are another small, colourful fish similar to guppies. They are the same family, just different species.
They like the same pH and water temperature as red cherry shrimp, so they can easily be added to any established tank where red cherry shrimp thrive.
Like guppies, they will chase juveniles, so you'll need some thick vegetal cover for the fry to hide until the kiddies are grown.
Guppies are known to breed quickly; if you're not going to generate them, you'll need a swarm of males in a cherry shrimp tank.
In the wild, they live alongside other small fish and invertebrates. It is not uncommon to see shrimp or snails in their environment.
Guppies living with red cherry shrimp are safe if a large enough tank exists for both to thrive and be happy. They will probably try to eat the baby shrimp if they catch them, but they can only eat the smallest baby shrimp because their mouths are so small.
It's time to decide when to add a new member to your cherry shrimp tank. Please get in touch with us for advice and to select species that live peacefully in the tank together.
Good luck.
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