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Beginners Guide

Cheap Package Shrimp For Beginners At Aquarium Online Store.

by Catherine Tran 03 Aug 2023 0 Comments

Freshwater shrimp are some of the easiest to care for for beginners. There are plenty of aquarium shops that sell shrimp, but very few of them sell package for beginners. In this article, we would like to introduce to you 3 packages of shrimp for beginners at the best aquarium shop in Melbourne - Micro Aquatic Shop

We understand why everyone loves fish, but these little animals have a lot to offer, too. Dynamic freshwater shrimp that are adaptable and quick to reproduce are the things that make everyone want at least one tank of shrimp in the house.

Micro Aquatic Shop - an online aquarium store in Australia that will give you a fast, economical and quality solution with a set of 3 packages for your first shrimp tank. Let's have a look together!!

Mix Native Shrimp.


This package consists of 1 Pack ( 5 Red Nose + 5 Darwin + 5 Ghost ) - $39.95 AUD.

Saving $15 AUD when buying each species individually.

Darwin Algae Shrimp.

Darwin Shrimp are generally docile and can be kept with other peaceful shrimp species. It is essential to avoid keeping them with aggressive or larger tank mates, as they can become vulnerable to predation.

Ghost Shrimp.

Ghost shrimp are named for their almost transparent bodies, giving them an almost ethereal appearance as they glide smoothly through the water. Ghost Shrimps sometimes make them quite difficult to spot, especially in tanks with a dark substrate. 

Red Nose Shrimp.

Red Nose Shrimp

Red Nose shrimp are easy to distinguish due to several identifying features on their bodies. They have a very long red beak—called a rostrum—that is slightly angled upwards.

The body of Red Nose shrimp is semi-transparent which makes them potentially a really good alternative to Amano shrimp. Red Nose Shrimp can grow up to 4.5 cm (1.7 inches) in length. Like most types of shrimp, they usually live around 1.5 – 2 years. 

Tank Parameters for Shrimp.

To keep your Darwin Algae Shrimp thriving, it's crucial to maintain the right tank parameters. Aim for a pH level between 7.5 and 8.0, a total dissolved solids (TDS) level ranging from 180 to 250, and a stable water temperature of around 24°C. These parameters emulate their natural environment and promote their well-being and breeding potential.

Tank Equipment and Decor.

For the best results, equip the tank with a gentle sponge filter to ensure proper filtration without harming these delicate shrimp. Use an inert substrate for the tank floor, providing a neutral base for the shrimp to graze and explore. Dechlorinated tap water is essential to maintain a safe and stable aquatic environment for these delightful crustaceans.

Adding natural decor elements like driftwood, moss, and Indian Almond Leaves not only beautifies the aquarium but also offers hiding spots and a sense of security for the shrimp.

The Mix Native Shrimp package with Darwin Algae Shrimp, Ghost Shrimp, and Red Nose Shrimp is a great beginner aquarium shrimp and they have amazing colouration. They are one of the most beautiful additions to your tank to keep algae down.

Freshwater shrimp love to graze on algae but should also be fed high-quality aquarium shrimp food because they eat constantly. They are actually easier to keep than you might think. They can be kept in nano tanks (as small as 2 gallons) and thrive in low-tech planted tanks.


Special Package -Mix Native Shrimp Algae Eater.


Saving $10 AUD when buying each species individually.

This package including:

Darwin Algae Shrimp.

Ghost Shrimp.

Red Nose Shrimp.

Ninja Shrimp.


These little freshwater shrimp have developed an ability to rapidly change their colour to match the environment and avoid predation through camouflage.

Ninja shrimp are no different to care for than any other freshwater dwarf shrimp species and can be recommended even for beginners. They are gorgeous, and, at the same time, low-maintenance pets.

Calman Shrimp.


Calman are native shrimp and thrive on decaying leaves, algae, and other detritus materials in tanks. Their main diet is many types of algae. So, they will be amazing algae-cleaning crews for aquarium tanks and they can change their colour depending on the environment.

Tank Parameters.

Ph: 7.5 to 8.0

TDS: 180 to 250

Temp: 24℃

Tank Equipment.

Filter: Sponge Filter

Substrate: Inert Substrate

Water: Dechlorinated Tap Water.

Decor: Driftwood, Moss and Indian Almond Leaves.


Temperament: Peaceful

Breeding: Easy

Care Level: Easy

Origin: Australia

Found in Wild: No


Freshwater aquarium shrimp offer a unique look to your tank, are very low-maintenance, and many will even help keep it clean over time. In short, there are a lot of benefits you get when you include some in your aquarium.

Mix Shrimp Package 2 ( 5 Sunkist + 5 Ninja )


This package consists of:

Sunkist Shrimp - 5pcs

Ninja Shrimp - 5pcs

Save 15% when buying this package from the total price of each.

Mix Shrimp Package 2 - is a harmonious combination of Sunkist Shrimp and Ninja Shrimp, making it the ideal choice for beginner aquarium enthusiasts. With this package you get the best of both worlds - the dazzling Sunkist Shrimp and the mysterious Ninja Shrimp - that make your tank special.

Viral appearance.

Sunkist Shrimp is very similar to Yellow Shrimp (Neocaridina denticulate sinensis var. yellow), the biggest difference is that the body colour of the Sunkist Shrimp is more orange, which is the result of multiple crossbreeding. However, its colour gene is extremely stable and will not change with the environment and fluctuations in water quality. It is relatively easy to feed and breed Sunkist Shrimp.

Effective and simple.

Buy Shrimp Mix 2 Pack and get an amazing 15% discount compared to buying individual shrimp species individually. Not only will this allow you to save money, but it's also a good opportunity to diversify your tank with two gorgeous shrimp varieties.

Tank Parameters.

Ph: 7.5 to 8.0

TDS: 180 to 250

Temp: 24℃

Tank Equipment.

Filter: Sponge Filter

Substrate: Inert Substrate

Water: Dechlorinated Tap Water.

Decor: Driftwood, Moss and Indian Almond Leaves


Temperament: Peaceful

Breeding: Easy

Care Level: Easy

Origin: Australia

Found in Wild: No






Where to buy this shrimp package ?

Micro Aquatic Shop-Aquarium Fish For Sale Near Me.

Unit 15, 2-8 Daniel Street, Wetherill Park, NSW 2164

Customer support: (02) 8320 3037


Do I need special water for my shrimp tank?

No, unless your tap water is of very low quality or you’re planning on keeping very sensitive shrimp species that require reverse osmosis water, you’ll be fine with just a water conditioner in most locations.

Can I keep more than one shrimp species?

Yes, just avoid combining different colour varieties of the same species. One combination we see frequently is the three combos that we recommend above. Our customers live it.

Can I keep my shrimp with fish?

There are a few fish species that won’t eat shrimp, but remember that they usually need more space than a shrimp tank can provide. Our favourite shrimp tank mate choices are other inverts, especially snails.

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