Kuhli Loach - Pangio Kuhlii Stripe 5cm
Kuhli Loach (Pangio Kuhlii) - Unique Freshwater Loach for Aquariums If you love aquariums, you might know the Kuhli Loach, or Pangio Kuhlii. This freshwater fish is loved for its unique look and calm nature. It comes from Southeast Asia's rich waterways, making it...- From 12.95 AUD
15.00 AUD- From 12.95 AUD
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Flash Sale Algae Eater -Common Bristlenose
Pleco Bristlenose (Ancistrus) - Hardy Algae Eater for Your Tank Exploring the world of home aquariums is fascinating. We're excited to tell you about the Pleco Bristlenose. Known as Ancistrus, these fish are great at cleaning algae. They add a tropical vibe to any...- 14.95 AUD
18.00 AUD- 14.95 AUD
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Corydoras Panda 3cm
Corydoras Panda - Adorable Freshwater Catfish for Your Aquarium Looking to add charm and personality to your aquarium? The Corydoras Panda might be perfect. These freshwater catfish are loved for their unique look and calm nature. They're great for both new and seasoned aquarists. Their...- From 16.95 AUD
19.95 AUD- From 16.95 AUD
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Flash Sale Bumble Bee Goby - Brachygobius Doriae 2cm
Brachygobius Doriae - Colorful Bumble Bee Goby for Your Tank Start an underwater journey with the Brachygobius Doriae, or Bumble Bee Goby. This small but vibrant fish has won the hearts of many in Australia and worldwide. Its black and yellow stripes make it...- From 8.95 AUD
14.95 AUD- From 8.95 AUD
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L144 Blue Eye Lemon Bristlenose Pleco - Rare
Bristlenose Pleco (L144 Blue Eye Lemon) - Stunning Freshwater Fish G'day, mates! Let's chat about a dazzling star in the freshwater aquarium scene – the Bristlenose Pleco, especially the L144 Blue Eye Lemon variant. These stunning fish hail from South America's lush rivers. They're...- From 34.95 AUD
49.00 AUD- From 34.95 AUD
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Yoyo Loach - Pakistani Loach 3-4cm
Pakistani Loach (Yoyo Loach) - Active Colorful Freshwater Fish We're excited to share the Pakistani Loach, or Yoyo Loach, with you. This fish is lively and has bright colours, making it a standout in any tank. Its patterns and actions are truly captivating. The Yoyo...- From 18.00 AUD
22.90 AUD- From 18.00 AUD
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Super Red Pleco (ANCISTRUS SP.)
The Suрer Red Рleсо (Аnсistrus sр.) 2-3cm is рrоduсed frоm seleсtive breeding оf the nаturаlly оссurring red соlоr vаriаnt оf the Bush Nоse Рleсо. Thrоugh seleсtive line breeding оf Bushy Nоse Рleсо thаt exhibited mоre red соlоrаtiоn thаn brоwn, the Suрer Red vаriаnt wаs...- 35.00 AUD
45.00 AUD- 35.00 AUD
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Orange Venezuelan Cory Catfish 3cm
? The Orange Venezuela Cory Catfish (Corydoras schultzei “Orange Venezuela”) is a rare color variant of the Gold Flash Cory Catfish. It displays black and dark maroon coloration across its entire body. Despite its “Venezuela” name, it is not from Venezuela, but is instead indigenous...- 30.00 AUD
34.95 AUD- 30.00 AUD
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Algae Eater -Albino Bristlenose
Albino Bristlenose Pleco is a mostly brown fish marked with light spots. They can blend in the shore and rock bottom thanks to their light-yellow or white appearance. Thanks to their whiskers on their mouth/nose it is a lot easier for them to find...- 18.00 AUD
25.00 AUD- 18.00 AUD
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Corydora Peppered Catfish 2-3cm
- The Peppered Catfish is a small tropical freshwater fish in the “armored catfish” family that ranks among the most popular cory catfish kept in home freshwater aquariums. These fish are easy to care for, hardy, and are a little on the shy side. - Selling...- 12.95 AUD
14.95 AUD- 12.95 AUD
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L397 Alenquer Tiger Pleco 5cm
The L397 Tiger Рleсо is а remаrkаbly rаre аnd соlоurful sрeсies аnd it is а very mаnаgeаble sрeсies fоr the hоme аquаrium! ✅ Its bright orange and black striping are very distinguishable and among the most striking colorations of the hundreds of known plecos. ✅ An...- 89.00 AUD
89.95 AUD- 89.00 AUD
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Corydoras Sterbai 3cm
✅ It has white spots on a dark body and is a very popular species in the hobby. They do well in tanks with softer substrates like sand or smooth pebbles. Keep them in with similarly size peaceful species and keep them in groups...- 22.00 AUD
22.95 AUD- 22.00 AUD
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Corydoras Albino Catfish 2.5cm
- The Catfish is a small tropical freshwater fish in the “armored catfish” family that ranks among the most popular cory catfish kept in home freshwater aquariums. These fish are easy to care for, hardy, and are a little on the shy side. What We...- From 8.95 AUD
14.95 AUD- From 8.95 AUD
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Kuhli Loach - Pangio Kuhlii Black
Kuhli Loach ✅ The Kuhli Loach is a great cleaner fish that plays well with others because of their peaceful, sociable temperaments and unique burrowing behavior. ✅ They have an interesting and unique appearance that makes them a highly sought after freshwater fish for many...- From 6.95 AUD
9.50 AUD- From 6.95 AUD
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Clown Loach 4cm
✅ Clown Loaches are very sociable fish and love to be kept with other clown loaches. They will school if kept in large enough groups, and really should be kept in a minimum group of three. ✅ The Clown Loach is an omnivorous, scaleless loach,...- From 29.00 AUD
45.00 AUD- From 29.00 AUD
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Super Red Longfin (ANCISTRUS SP.)
Super Red Longfin (Ancistrus sp.) - Vibrant and Hardy In the vibrant world of Australasian aquariums, a special creature makes a big splash - the Super Red Longfin (Ancistrus sp.). This stunning tropical fish turns any tank into a piece of living art with...- 79.00 AUD
110.00 AUD- 79.00 AUD
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Skeleton - Ghost Catfish
Limited Quantity Available - Will Sell out Fast!Note:We can’t ship Livestock and Live Plants to WA and TAS due to State Restrictions. Kindly check out our DOA and other policies before purchase!!What to Expect from UsAll Aquatic plants and animals come with a...- From 14.95 AUD
25.00 AUD- From 14.95 AUD
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Spotted Hoplo Catfish 10cm show
Spotted Hoplo Catfish (Megalechis thoracata) are a fascinating and visually striking addition to any aquarium. These peaceful and intelligent fish are highly adaptable and hardy, making them an excellent choice for both novice and experienced aquarists alike. While more prominent individuals can become a...- 69.00 AUD
79.00 AUD- 69.00 AUD
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Plecotomus Albino Sailfin L165/L083 5cm
The plecotomus is а remаrkаbly rаre аnd соlоurful sрeсies аnd it is а very mаnаgeаble sрeсies fоr the hоme аquаrium! ✅ Its black pat teen are very distinguishable and among the most striking colorations of the hundreds of known plecos. ✅ An extremely beautiful, very peaceful,...- 59.00 AUD
89.00 AUD- 59.00 AUD
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Corydoras- Emerald Green Brochis 3cm
✅ Generally peaceful and social, corys can be a good addition to a smaller freshwater aquarium. ✅ corys are extremely peaceful fish that enjoy the company of their own kind. They should always be kept in groups, preferably of a half-dozen or more, but...- 29.00 AUD
55.00 AUD- 29.00 AUD
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