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Beginners Guide


by JennyAquarium 06 Jun 2023 0 Comments

Pretty Rare Fish I's Albino Bristlenose Catfish

Albino Bristlenose Catfish, also known as Albino Bushynose Catfish, is a species of freshwater fish in the family Loricariidae, in the order Siluriformes. Its scientific name is Ancistrus Cirrhosis var Albino.

More specifically, the "angel" color has made the Albino White Feathered Catfish more special, they are native to the Amazon basin in South America and can live in water temperatures from 72 to 78 degrees F and a pH between 6.5 and 7.5. They are not particularly picky eaters and will accept a wide variety of foods, including algae plates, detritus, and live food.


  1. Appearance:

Albino Bristlenose Catfish can grow to be 4 inches long, however they are usually only about 3 inches long. Males and females have distinct physical traits. Males have a larger head and longer hair on the snout.
  1. Body color: The albino catfish is bright yellow or light pink. Colors may vary depending on the individual fish and the conditions in their tank.

  2. Eyes: The albino reed has pink-red eyes.

  3. Head: The head is wide and flat, with many antennae on the head Mouth: The mouth is like a sucker and is used to eat algae and other small foods.

  4. Body shape: The body is flat and covered with bony plates.

  5. Size: The albino catfish grows to about 3–5 inches long.


We'd like to tell you about Abino's identification: if you notice a glass cleaner with a big beard extending from both sides of its face, it's "Bristlenose."

Their role, like that of many other species of Glass Cleaning Fish, is to be a "good assistant" in cleaning the glass by eating clean algae and moss in your aquarium.


  1. How do you care for an Abino Bristlenose fish?

Anyway, Albino Bristlenose Catfish is another "beautiful" and helpful aquarium fish to have. They have good health in pure water, live calmly, and are simple to care for. That is why they are an excellent choice for both new and seasoned aquarists.

Care Instructions for Abino Bristlenose:

  1. Make sure there are plenty of hiding places, such as rocks, plants, and driftwood.

  2. Keep the water clean and well-oxygenated.

  3. Feed a variety diet that includes algal plates, flakes, and live food.

  4. Overfeeding can have a negative impact on water quality.

Albino Bristlenose Catfish can live for up to ten years if properly cared for.

  1. How does Abino Bristlenose reproduce?

Bristlenose albinos breed during the winter months, when water temperatures are cooler. To keep them in top condition while spawning in the tank, you need to set up a tank with soft, acidic water. The tank should be about 20 gallons in size and have plenty of hiding places for the fish. You can use driftwood, plants, or rocks to create a hiding place.
The eggs will hatch in about 2–3 weeks. The fry will be very small and will need to be fed with infusoria or young brine shrimp. When they are big enough, you can feed them a variety of live foods, such as bloodworms, daphnia, and brine shrimp. Albino bristlenoses are relatively easy to raise and care for. With a little patience, you can successfully raise a school of these beautiful fish.

If you require any additional information regarding the reproduction of the fish Abinos Bristlenose, please email us:

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Which aquatic plants should I buy to make a hiding place for Abinos Bristlenose?

Having a good hiding place will make Abinos Bristlenose feel comfortable. Resting place: this will help them feel free from food pressure and is also an ideal "stop" place when they want to be quiet. Breeding Place: Gives males and females a private space to take care of giving birth to baby fish. Baby Bristlenose's hiding place: create a sense of security when the baby is small, avoid other animals attacking.
Therefore, having a wide variety of aquatic plants creates an excellent Ecosystem and is necessary to provide shelter for the Albino Bristlenose catfish.

Anubias: This plant is hardy and easy to care for, growing well in both low and bright conditions. Anubias can be attached to rocks or driftwood, and it is an ideal hiding place for them.


We have a Plant Combo that is suitable with Abinos Bristlenose Catfish, so you don't have to think too hard while selecting a hiding location for Fish:


Here for more:

As you should keep in mind, when choosing aquatic plants for Bristlenose, it is important to consider the size of your tank, the amount of light available and the water conditions. In the natural environment, plants, duckweed.. are one of the pure foods, helping them maintain balance and health. Therefore, maintaining an environment for them is indispensable to increase their lifespan and ensure their health.
Abinos Brislenose generally lives on the tank's bottom and will swim towards the lake wall to clean up moss, algae, and trash.

You can still allude to more ideal couples, as illustrated below:


It's a great combination to live under one roof.
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