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Why Are My Shrimp Dying? (A Guide to Prevent Shrimp Death)

by Micro Aquatic Shop 18 Nov 2021 0 Comments

What could be the cause of your shrimp's death? It is a question that many people want an answer to. When you find dead shrimp in your aquarium, it can be a difficult experience. The problem is that many factors affect the health and lifespan of these creatures, so we'll go over some reasons why they may have died for now regarding aquariums, but remember, this list isn't exhaustive!


We have identified some common reasons why your shrimp might pass away.

In general, shrimp are sensitive animals. They can die from stress or lack of nutrition in their environment if the conditions aren't right for them to survive and thrive in an aquarium! Luckily though, there is something you could be doing wrong that might have caused these deaths--it's important we figure out what's going on so it doesn't happen again because otherwise, more than likely other members will start dying too.

Your Shrimp Were Already Stressed/Sick When You Brought Them Home
Shrimp are carefully handled from the moment they're captured to ensure their safety. The catchers, exporters, and more all have a hand in getting these shrimp ready before reaching your local store shelves, where you'll find them at significant risk of injury or death during shipment because it's not uncommon for total losses rates on arrival between 20% to almost 80%. You can find offers here shrimp for sale.

Solution: Breeding shrimp is a challenging but rewarding hobby. If possible, only buy from reputable breeders or exchange with other hobbyists breeding their Amano shrimps in aquariums of the same size and type to create healthier animals when establishing your population at home!

Your Water Supply Has Chloramine as a Disinfectant
Many people are unfamiliar with the difference between chlorine and chloramine. Chlorine is a strong-smelling gas that smells like bleach. At the same time, the latter only has hints of this scent to it when added into water supplies--and can have adverse effects on shrimp if they're introduced too early in life before their systems develop fully enough not to be damaged by these chemicals' toxins (which includes death).

Solution: Use products that are non-toxic and the most economical option for treating your shrimp.

You Used the Hot Water Tap to Fill Your Aquarium
You might think that your water is safe to drink, but it could be laced with metals like copper and lead. The pipes in the house are usually coated too! Even when using cold tap water or well-water (which has likely already been contaminated), there's still a chance for heavy metal poisoning because these chemicals can seep through the soil into aquifers where we get our drinking supply from.

Solution: The best way to avoid heavy metal poisoning is by testing your water. Get an accurate copper test kit for aquarium shrimp and take care of any problems before they become serious or irreversible!

You Are Overfeeding Your Shrimp
You want to make sure you're feeding your shrimp properly, so feed them several times a day. A good portion of flake or pellet food would be perfect for these little guys! You'll notice that they are happy when this happens because it seems as if all their favorite things have come out to play- including those yummy mini crackers. Things go wrong the moment you neglect their mealtime and instead overfeed them.

Solution: It is important to feed your shrimp the tiny amounts of food once a day and only as much as they can gobble up within minutes. Do not ever let them have any pellet or other type of dry food item sit in their aquariums for more than an hour before giving it some freshwater because this could cause illness!

Some Tips to Take Better Care Of Your Shrimp, So They Don’t Die.
Shrimps are sensitive little creatures and can die if you don't acclimate them properly. They need time to get used to the water in their new home, so be sure that it's just right before adding them!
It is important to monitor your shrimp's food consumption. Overfeeding will result in a buildup of waste, which can cause an increase in the amount of ammonia introduced into the water from these leftover remains and stress for those who have been overburdened with too much responsibility!
Your aquarium is only as good as the cycle it maintains. Ensure that you're recycling your shrimps' waste and not letting any nitrates build up more than harmful urea molecules!

It's A Wrap!
If you want to keep your aquarium shrimp alive for as long as possible, prevention is better than cure. Once an outbreak starts happening in there, it can be really hard to figure out the cause and take steps necessary to stop them before they get worse- That's why being careful from day one about selecting just what kind of freshwater shrimp will thrive onboard makes so much sense!
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