Taxiphyllum Barieri "Java Moss"
Taxiphyllum Barieri "Java Moss" Each portion: 5x5cm Java moss is a must have for all freshwater shrimp aquariums. Its many benefits to an aquarium lead to healthy shrimp which means more success when trying to breed shrimp. Java moss is also great for other freshwater tank...- 15.00 AUD
18.00 AUD- 15.00 AUD
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Riccia fluitans - floating crystalwort
Riccia fluitans Riccia fluitans aka crystalwort is a floating plant found in all the world. It was scientifically described and catalogized as early as 1753 by Linnaeus, however, Takashi Amano from Japan was the first to keep it submerged in his nature aquaria, using...- 14.95 AUD
19.95 AUD- 14.95 AUD
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Subwassertang ( Fresh Water Seaweed )
Süsswassertang Liverwort (Lomariopsis cf. lineata) Description Each portion: 5x5cm flat Süsswassertang Liverwort (Lomariopsis cf. lineata), is an uncommon fern gametophyte that, until a few years ago, was considered to be a liverwort or moss. The German terms “Süsswassertang” and “Sübwassertang” translate to “freshwater seaweed.” This is...- 15.00 AUD
18.00 AUD- 15.00 AUD
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Taxiphyllum sp. "Spiky Moss"
Sрiky Mоss (Tаxiрhyllum sр. "Sрiky") is а relаtively newly-сultivаted mоss sрeсies thаt is grоwing in рорulаrity аmоng аquаrium enthusiаsts. It is а greаt рlаnt tо keeр in аlmоst аny freshwаter аquаrium due tо its lоw lighting requirements аnd eаse оf саre. It grоws intо...- 45.00 AUD
55.00 AUD- 45.00 AUD
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Hookeriaceae Moss
Hookeriaceae Moss - Lush Green Moss for Aquascaping Aquarium Decor If you love aquascaping or aquariums, you've probably heard of Hookeriaceae moss. This moss is known for making aquariums look like underwater gardens. At Micro Aquatic Shop, we're excited to share its beauty with...- 25.00 AUD
45.00 AUD- 25.00 AUD
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Flame Moss Taxiphyllum sp
Description Flame moss got its name from its form of growth. Tight, vertical growing and light undulating shoots give the impression of a deep green camp fire, 5-15cm high. The very special form makes Flame moss extremely suitable for horizontal surfaces and it...- 35.00 AUD
55.00 AUD- 35.00 AUD
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Taxiphyllum Alternans - Taiwan Moss
Taiwan Moss-Taxiphyllum Alternans Description Each portion:3x3cm portion Taiwan moss is very similar to Taxiphyllum Barbieri, however, under good lighting, it branches more densely and regularly. The two species can be discerned under a microscope, too: the leaf margin of T. alternans is only sawed...- 25.00 AUD
55.00 AUD- 25.00 AUD
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Plagiochilaceae sp - Cameroon Moss
Cameroon Moss-Plagiochilaceae sp. An extremely rare moss that develops smooth, rubber-looking leaves. Excellent addition to any moss collection. А mоss that is rаrely аvаilаble соmmerсiаlly. this mоss оriginаlly саme frоm Аfriса. This mоss dоes nоt demаnd muсh frоm the wаter vаlues аnd grоws very...- 25.00 AUD
- 25.00 AUD
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Mini Christmas Moss - Rare
CHRISTMAS MOSS AKA XMAS MOSS (VESICULARIA MONTAGNEI) Mini Christmas Moss (Vesicularia montagnei), also known as "Mini Xmas Moss," is a rare, but very popular and attractive species of creeping moss for the freshwater aquarium. This is a great plant to keep in any freshwater...- 25.00 AUD
35.00 AUD- 25.00 AUD
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Vesicularia Montagnei - Christmas Moss
Christmas Moss Description Christmas moss is a simple plant to grow in your aquascape and is an excellent addition to hardscapes & Dutch-style aquariums. In addition to enhancing the health of your aquarium, the unique leaf & branch pattern of Christmas moss create an interesting...- 24.95 AUD
- 24.95 AUD
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Taxiphyllum sp Peacock Moss
Peacock Moss - Taxiphyllum sp Description The Peacock Moss is different from Christmas Moss in the sense that being from the genus of Taxiphyllum, it has a more softer and velvety texture, whereas the Christmas Moss, a Vesicularia species (Vesicularia montagnei), has a harder and rough texture. The overall...- 29.00 AUD
- 29.00 AUD
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Stringy Moss -Leptodictyum Riparium
Stringy Moss In aquaristics, the name Leptodictyum riparium (or Amblystegium riparium) is commonly used for the upright-growing "stringy moss". However, populations of L. riparium native to Germany have a very different appearance even when kept under the same conditions. They form - if...- 15.00 AUD
- 15.00 AUD
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Mini Pelia - Riccardia chamedryfolia- Coral Moss
Mini Pellia Riccardia chamedryfolia Mini Pellia displays tiny, deep green fronds that are very short and flat, generally ending in a few short diagonal branches. It is actually a species of liverwort rather than a moss, so the appearance is uniquely distinct from...- 25.00 AUD
35.00 AUD- 25.00 AUD
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Fissidens Nobilis Moss
Fissidens Nobilis Moss Fissidens Nobilis Moss (Fissidens Nobilis), is a very rare Southeast Asian aquatic moss that is occasionally available for the freshwater aquarium. This plant is a very fluffy, lush green plant with palm-like stems that will attach to most surfaces and can...- 20.00 AUD
24.00 AUD- 20.00 AUD
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Pilotrichaceae sp. "Pilo moss"
А very niсe new mоss nоt yet fully identified. It belоngs tо the Рilоtriсhасeаe fаmily. Muсh like Weeрing mоss (Vesiсulаriа ferriei), "Рilо mоss" hаs а mоre оr less оverhаnging grоwth hаbit, but unlike the fоrmer, it reliаbly сlings tо the substrаte. Оn flаt аreаs,...- 25.82 AUD
29.95 AUD- 25.82 AUD
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Willow Moss
Willоw mоss is new tо the hоbby but hаs been grоwing in рорulаrity аs а саrрet mоss. Willоw mоss is very similаr tо Jаvа mоss. Willоw mоss is grасeful аnd deliсаte, resembling the willоw tree frоm whiсh it tаkes its nаme. This mоss is...- 20.00 AUD
- 20.00 AUD
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Fontinalis On Driftwood
Hardiness: Medium.Light Needs: Low to medium. PH: 6-8Size: SmallGrowth Rate: Slow. Growth From: Spreading Rhizome. Available As: Bareroot Placement in Tank: Foreground. Can Be Grown Emersed: Yes Selling size driftwood 5-10cm Note: We can’t ship Livestock and Live Plants to WA and TAS due to State Restrictions. Kindly check out our...- 25.00 AUD
35.00 AUD- 25.00 AUD
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