Taxiphyllum Barieri "Java Moss"
Taxiphyllum Barieri "Java Moss" Each portion: 5x5cm Java moss is a must have for all freshwater shrimp aquariums. Its many benefits to an aquarium lead to healthy shrimp which means more success when trying to breed shrimp. Java moss is also great for other freshwater tank...- 18.00 AUD
18.00 AUD- 18.00 AUD
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Microsorum pteropus - Java Fern
Java Fern (Microsorum Pteropus) - Hardy Aquatic Plant for Freshwater Aquariums If you love aquariums or are just starting, the Java Fern is a must-see. This tough, adaptable plant is a favorite in the aquarium world. It brings many benefits to your tank, making...- 18.00 AUD
25.00 AUD- 18.00 AUD
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Special Super Red Floater
This plant is one of the best-looking floating plants for the aquarium and it propagates quickly. Red Root Floater (Phyllanthus fluitans) is a South American floating plant that is known and highly desired for its bright red roots and underside. Under high lighting, its leaves can...- 14.95 AUD
14.95 AUD- 14.95 AUD
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Rotala sp 'Colorata'
Rotala sp 'Colorata' Intense bright red colours Suitable for setting red accents Loosely upright to overhanging This plant was introduced with the name Rotala sp. 'Colorata' and is apparently a form of the very variable species R. rotundifolia. There are several forms...- 12.95 AUD
14.95 AUD- 12.95 AUD
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Buy 2 Get 1 Free HairGrass - eleocharis belem
Hаirgrаss eleocharis belem is а very рорulаr fоregrоund оr mid-grоund рlаnt fоr the freshwаter аquаrium. This hаrdy, fаst-grоwing рlаnt саn quiсkly “саrрet” mоst аquаriums. It is shоrter thаn mоst оther hаir grаss sрeсies.Hаirgrаss is аn аttrасtive аquаtiс саrрeting рlаnt This vаriety оf Hаirgrаss requires...- From 14.95 AUD
44.85 AUD- From 14.95 AUD
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Ludwigia sp. Mini Super Red
Description Ludwigia sp. 'Super Red' is a new Ludwigia species that assumes an intensively red colour even under medium light. These are not your regular sp. It ramifies well and is rather undemanding. It was brought onto the market under several names. This plant looks...- 12.95 AUD
18.00 AUD- 12.95 AUD
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Microsorum pteropus - Trident Java Fern
This variant of the ever-popular Java Fern has very distinctive “trident” formations on its leaves! Trident Java Fern (Microsorum pteropus var. “Trident”) is a fascinating variant of the classic Java Fern. This variant is distinctive for its narrow leaves that form trident-like formations instead...- 18.00 AUD
24.95 AUD- 18.00 AUD
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Rotala Blood Red - Rare
Rоtаlа Blооd Red is а fоrm оf Rоtаlа Rоtundifоliа thаt is nаtive tо sоutheаstern Сhinа. The leаves аre lоng аnd nаrrоw, similаr tо thоse оf Rоtаlа H’rа. Rоtаlа Blооd Red is а mоre demаnding tyрe оf Rоtаlа аnd shоuld be grоwn under high light...- 12.95 AUD
18.00 AUD- 12.95 AUD
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Alternanthera Reinechii "mini" Aquarium Plant
Characteristics: Deeply red low-growing stem plant One of the very few red foreground plants Sets a strong colour accent The plant has oval-shaped stalkless leaves which are decussate (each next pair of leaves is perpendicular to the previous one). The leaves are 2.5-3.5 cm...- 12.95 AUD
18.00 AUD- 12.95 AUD
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Amazon Sword - Echinodorus amazonicus
Amazon Sword Plant The Amazon Sword Plant (Echinodorus amazonicus) is quite popular in the aquarium hobby because of its impressive size, its simple yet majestic beauty, and its minimal care requirements. This plant can grow up to 20 inches in height with the proper lighting...- 14.95 AUD
18.00 AUD- 14.95 AUD
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Rotala sp. "Green"
Rotala sp. 'Green' - Lush and Vibrant Aquatic Plant for Aquariums We're excited to introduce Rotala sp. 'Green', a stunning aquatic plant. It's known for its lush, vibrant foliage and versatility. It's perfect for any aquarium enthusiast, whether you're new or experienced. At Micro Aquatic...- From 9.95 AUD
16.00 AUD- From 9.95 AUD
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Carpet Plant -Monte Carlo
Monte Carlo - Micranthemum Micranthemum ‘Monte Carlo” is a low growing aquatic plant that originates from New Zealand. It is a perfect foreground plant that if given sufficient lighting and nutrients can grow into a thick carpet of green foliage. The leaves are small...- From 12.00 AUD
18.00 AUD- From 12.00 AUD
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Cardamine Lyrata -Japanese Cress
Cardamine Lyrata Cardamine Lyrata, also known as Japanese Cress, is a versatile and attractive aquatic plant that is popular among aquarium enthusiasts for its delicate, lyre-shaped leaves and rapid growth. This plant adds a unique aesthetic to freshwater aquariums and is relatively...- 8.95 AUD
12.00 AUD- 8.95 AUD
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Anubias barteri var. nana 'petite'
Nana petite Anubias. The Anubias nana ‘Petite’ originates from West Africa amd is one of the smallest Anubias species. It is popular among aquascapers for its hardiness, its low lighting requirements and its ability to grow without substrate, allowing placement on driftwood and rocks. The...- 24.95 AUD
28.00 AUD- 24.95 AUD
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Riccia fluitans - floating crystalwort
Riccia fluitans Riccia fluitans aka crystalwort is a floating plant found in all the world. It was scientifically described and catalogized as early as 1753 by Linnaeus, however, Takashi Amano from Japan was the first to keep it submerged in his nature aquaria, using...- 14.95 AUD
19.95 AUD- 14.95 AUD
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Lilаeорsis brаsiliensis - Brazilian Micro Sword
Lilаeорsis brаsiliensis frоm Sоuth Аmeriса саn grоw very соmрасt, but а "lаwn effeсt'' (4-7 сm tаll) is оnly асhieved аt high light intensity. When рlаnting in the аquаrium smаll сlumрs (аррrоx. 1/8 роt) shоuld be рlасed а few сentimetres араrt tо helр the рlаnts...- From 12.95 AUD
18.00 AUD- From 12.95 AUD
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Ambulia - Limnophila sessiliflora
Limnорhilа sessiliflоrа(Ambulia) is а hаrdy, аdарtаble аnd undemаnding рlаnt frоm Sоuth-Eаst Аsiа аnd is nаturаlly fоund in slоw mоving blасkwаter аnd сleаrwаter hаbitаts with sоft, асid wаter аnd lоw nutrient соntent. This рlаnt is sоmetimes саlled Аsiаn Mаrshweed оr Аmbuliа.L. sessiliflоrа is сараble оf...- 12.00 AUD
14.95 AUD- 12.00 AUD
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Ludwigia Glandulosa - Cylindricfruit Primrose-Willow
Ludwigia Glandulosa - Stunning Red Aquarium Plant for Aquascapes We're always searching for amazing aquatic plants to change our aquariums. Ludwigia Glandulosa is one such plant that has won many hearts. It's a stunning red aquarium plant that adds a vibrant splash of colour...- 12.95 AUD
18.00 AUD- 12.95 AUD
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Antler fern - Ceratopteris pteridoides -Floating Plant
Ceratopteris pteridoides (Antler Fern) - Unique Floating Aquarium Plant We're always searching for amazing aquatic plants for our aquariums. The Ceratopteris pteridoides, or Antler Fern, is a standout. It's loved by many in Australia for its unique look. The Antler Fern's fronds look like antlers,...- 8.00 AUD
12.50 AUD- 8.00 AUD
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Bolbitis heudelotii - African Water Fern
Bolbitis Heudelotii (African Water Fern) - Hardy Aquatic Plant for Aquariums We're always searching for easy-to-care-for plants for our aquariums. The Bolbitis Heudelotii, or African water fern, is one we love. It's tough, looks great, and fits well in many aquarium setups. The African water...- 35.00 AUD
45.00 AUD- 35.00 AUD
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