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Rasboras For Sale At Aquarium Stores Melbourne.

by Catherine Tran 23 Aug 2023 0 Comments

Not many aquarists appreciate the Emerald Dwarf Rasboras, but they are a popular freshwater fish that is easy to care for with viral colours that make the aquarium more lively.

In this article, I will share with you about Rasboras for sale at aquarium stores Melbourne, what the experts have said about this fish and where you can buy them at a good price.

I'm sure there will be a few new customers here, reading this article, wanting to know more about the Rasbora species, and then making a decision whether to buy them for their tank or not?

The answer is well worth it for you to buy them home. Let's go through this article with me and you will know how convincing they are.

The fantastic appearance of the Emerald Dwarf Rasboras.

Emerald-Dwarf Rasbora-for-sale

If you want to fill your aquarium with lots of colours, Emerald Dwarf Rasboras is a good choice and I think should be the top consideration. In a beautifully decorated environment, these freshwater fish are very active and they love to be curious about the tank environment. You will find them often swimming and exploring and sometimes foraging for algae on the leaves of aquatic plants.

These fish have long and slender bodies. On their heads, you'll notice large sparkling eyes and semi-transparent scales around the gill plate. They have some emerald green vertical stripes. The stripes may vary slightly in colour. Some will be purple or bluer.

The body of this species is usually coral pink or orange. These colourful fish stand out beautifully against a dark background or swim in a garden covered with aquatic plants.

Medium emerald dwarf Rasbora size.

The average adult emerald dwarf Rasbora is 1 to 1.5 inches in length, these fish don't grow any further making them perfect for a nano tank.

These freshwater fish have a steady growth rate and it doesn't take long to reach maximum length. You will easily notice that adult males are smaller than females. A little tip for you is that the males are more brightly coloured than the females.

Given their small size and peaceful disposition, they prefer to live with their rasbora family rather than in a community tank, which is comfortable, stress-free feeding and leads to rapid reproduction.


Emerald-Dwarf Rasbora-for-sale

Their lifespan in good aquarium conditions is 3 years. Because of their small size, these fish need pristine living conditions to stay healthy.

Tank size for your Emerald Dwarf Rasboras.

10-gallon tank for 7-10 fish, you can start simple, everything fits your pocket. And then you can level up your game with a 20-gallon tank for 15-20 fish.

If you want to keep the Emerald Dwarf Rasboras in your community tank, make sure no aggressive fish are chasing them or even biting their fins. You should double check your tank is over 20 gallons, and how many fish are currently living in your tank.

Before I talk about water parameters that you can easily set up, here are the aquarium stores Melbourne that sell the Emerald Dwarf Rasboras, click on the shop name and explore:


👍Micro Aquatic Shop

👍Live Fish

👍Nano Tank Australia

👍Fish In Aquarium

 Water parameters you can refer to:

✅ Water Temperature: 70°F to 75°F

✅ pH Levels: 7.0 to 8.0

✅ Water Hardness: 2 – 10 dKH

Emerald dwarf rasbora prefers cooler temperatures and a neutral pH. They can't do well in acidic water, so it's best to be cautious and aim for a slightly alkaline pH balance.

Expert Note: You should check the water parameters once every 2 weeks or once a week to make sure your fish are still breathing well and swimming quickly in the tank, testing the water pH also helps you to detect it quickly, an unusual thing in the aquarium.

How should you decorate their habitat?

Emerald-Dwarf Rasbora-for-sale

Dense vegetation and plenty of ornamentation are a must for this species, as the Emerald Dwarf Rasboras need a place to hide and they can seem a bit fearful when kept with larger species.

When kept in a tank of rasbora members, you will find them very clever, they swim flexibly. In addition, you can decorate floating aquatic plants like Duckweed, Red Root Floater, and Pennywort, they will thank you for this.

At the bottom of the aquarium, you can use a dark substrate. This not only brings out their colour but also mimics their native substrate, you should use fine sand instead of gravel just to be on the safe side.

Another important thing you should consider is the filter. These fish like to be in large groups, which results in a lot of waste. You should choose a filtration system that has a water flow of four or five times the volume of the tank and this will ensure that the tank is recirculated efficiently to remove any ammonia and nitrates.

What do customers say when they buy Rasbora at Micro Aquatic Shop?





What kind of food do you need to buy for them?

Emerald Dwarf Rasboras are omnivores. They will love most commercial flakes or pellets and sometimes I find them eating happily (only sometimes if I catch one).

Dry food should be their main source of nutrition, you should have nutritionally balanced foods for them. On the weekend, throw a party for them, treat them with daphnia, bloodworms and brine shrimp.

If you are worried that these rasboras will be sad because there are not many friends to live with, you can add some freshwater snails such as gold mystery snail, ramshorn or nerite, the good thing about these snails is that they will eat algae and they don't bother the rasboras.

It's spawning season for Emerald Dwarf Rasboras.

Emerald-Dwarf Rasbora-for-sale

Emerald Dwarf Rasboras are fast-spawning guppy-like fish. These fish will spawn regularly without any intervention. If you want to maximize the survival rate of your fry, it's best to keep them in a controlled environment.

Create a separate spawn tank and fill it with water. Add spawning mops or foliage plants. Then add a pair of Emerald Dwarf Rasboras. You can also add a group of two men and more than one woman.

Females will lay about 30 eggs throughout the tank, they are slightly sticky so the eggs can stick to leaves or decorations. This is the time when you should separate the mother fish from the tank to prevent them from eating the eggs. The eggs will hatch after 72 hours and the new Emerald Dwarf Rasboras fry life cycle continues.


The rasboras dwarf emerald is an amazing freshwater species that deserves more attention from the aquarist community. They are easy to care for and suitable for beginners.

I hope this article has provided you with the necessary information about the Emerald Dwarf Rasboras species. If you have any other questions that I haven't answered, don't hesitate to ask our experts here!

Micro Aquatic Shop - Aquarium Stores Melbourne Near Me.

Unit 15, 2-8 Daniel Street, Wetherill Park, NSW 2164

Customer support: (02) 8320 3037


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