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Beginners Guide

Tetra Fish for Sale at Melbourne Fish Store.

by Catherine Tran 22 Aug 2023 0 Comments

The tetra fish community is no stranger to aquarists, and they are perfectly suited for beginners.

We pay special attention to those who are beginners just starting out with aquarium keeping because we understand your worries and desire to own the most beautiful, perfect aquarium.

Beginners also do not want to spend too much time on aquarium maintenance, they prefer to relax and watch them.

So, in this article, I will quickly share with you the top 4 easy-care tetra species that you can start today. Attached is information about the Melbourne fish store selling tetra fish.

Now follow in my lead!

The black neon tetra, commonly known simply as the black neon fish, is a popular freshwater aquarium fish with a dark, almost black body colour.

They have a distinctive neon green stripe running across the body from the eyes to the caudal fin. The combination of a dark body and vibrant blue stripes creates a striking and eye-catching contrast.

Many aquarists don’t pay attention to this fish because of its dark colour. But if you have a look at them, Black neon tetra is a special colour to add to your tank.

The size of the Black neon tetra.


Black neon fish are relatively small fish, usually about 1.5 to 2 inches (3.5 to 5 centimetres) long. Their fins are transparent and they possess a forked tail, which helps them swim very quickly when unfortunately an enemy is chasing them.

When it comes to their personality, the Black neon tetra is a peaceful fish and they never get aggressive with other tank members.

You can keep them in a 10-gallon tank with 3-5 Black Neon Fish, if you want to keep them in larger numbers you should increase the tank size.

Habitat and take care of black neon tetra.

They prefer aquariums with a lot of aquarium plants because their natural environment is rich in shade trees and they love gentle flowing water.

✅ The parameters of the water should be kept stable:

✅ The temperature is in the range of 72℉ - 79℉ (22℃ - 26℃).

✅ pH in the range of 5.5 to 7.5.

The Black Neon Tetra is a mid-range species and feeds on the surface of the water, so I don't think you need a substrate in this case. To be able to see them naturally swimming, you should add aquatic plants to the tank so that they have a place to search and hide.


Some plants you can add to your tank are swords Amazon, Java Fern, or hard-leaved plants. They do not bite the leaves, but sometimes they will be curious and want to eat the algae.

Black Neon Tetra's Diet.

They are not picky eaters so you don't have to worry about compiling a long list of things they like, which is not necessary.

Instead, you should provide a balanced diet consisting of flakes, high-quality pellets, and occasionally live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp, which are important for them.

How to breed Black Neon Tetra?


When you want to increase the number of tetras in the tank, you may need a little trick of raising the temperature slightly to 1℃ - 2℃, while providing them with delicious protein-rich foods such as brine shrimp, young shrimp, and bloodworms so that black neon tetra has enough nutrients for the reproduction process.

After the female is pregnant, you need to keep them separately in a separate tank so they don't get stressed and after they have finished spawning, separate the mother from her eggs because she can eat their eggs.

You can buy them here.

Let's move on to the next 2 types of tetras: Neon Tetra and Cardinal Tetra.


The Neon Tetra has a bright blue band on the upper body, from the eyes to the caudal fin.

Both the Neon Tetra and the Cardinal Tetra are popular freshwater aquarium fish that you can find in most home aquariums.

They have a similar appearance that you can easily confuse with a quick look. I'll show you how to identify them by their physical appearance.

The Neon Tetra is smaller, usually reaching around 1.5 inches (3.8 cm) in length while the Cardinal Tetra is slightly larger, usually reaching around 2 inches (5 cm) in length.

The Neon Tetra has a bright blue band on the upper body, from the eyes to the caudal fin, and the Cardinal Tetra has a bright red band on the upper body, from the eyes to the caudal fin.

When you look at the Neon Tetra's tail they have a slightly triangular tail. The Cardinal Tetra has an oval tail, which is longer than that of the Neon Tetra.


Although they are slightly different in colour, their care is very similar and I have a very interesting idea want to share with you.

I’m thinking of keeping 5 neon tetras and 5 cardinal tetras and testing the guesswork of others to see if they can tell the difference between the two.

The game level will be much more difficult when you keep 10 fish of 1 species in a common tank. I can expect this game to be quite interesting and those who do not have much experience with aquarium fish will give up on you.

Let's talk about tank conditions, water parameters, food sources, spawning time, and tankmates ... I can summarize in 1 sentence "All the same as I mentioned above".

The fact is that the family of tetras have the same care conditions, which is why this species is so popular and has many first-time owners. I have heard many experts say about this fish, they simply like them because they are born to make aquarium tanks more beautiful and they don’t require much care.

I wanna share with you the Melbourne fish store that sells neon tetra and cardinal tetra fish:


What makes Emperor Tetra different?


Emperor Tetras are colourful, their bodies can vary from orange to red and green. Their dominant colour band is black, extending from the pectoral fin to the caudal fin. This gradient creates an attractive effect and makes them easily recognizable now.

They are usually about 1.5 to 2 inches (3.8 to 5 centimetres) in size. Likes to live in an environment with many aquatic plants, they like to hide under trees like Java moss to eat moss

Emperor Tetra requires clean and stable water with a pH around 6.0 - 7.5 and a temperature between 73°F and 82°F (23°C - 28°C).

Their personalities are peaceful and they are a good choice for you to add to your tank. Emperor Tetra likes to eat both raw and natural foods. You can feed them foods such as fish pellets, worms, insects, and both wet and dry food.

And the last part is for those who love oranges colour. That’s right, I'm talking about Ember Tetra.


Ember Tetra has a deep and vibrant orange colour on its body, similar to the colour of a flame, hence the name "Ember". You'll want to notice that their tails and fins are often transparent, creating a nice contrast to the orange body colour.

Ember Tetra is usually small in size, with a length of about 0.6 to 0.8 inches (1.5 to 2 cm). And I can see that the tetra family is usually small in size, so adding a large number of them doesn't take so much space but adds to the beauty of the tank.

They have a habit of living in freshwater environments with lots of vegetation and protected areas. Ember Tetra needs stable water with a pH between 5.0 and 7.0 and a temperature around 72 to 80°F (22 - 27°C).

Many breeders will want to mix tetra species together, however, this will lose their purebred colour and will sometimes carry an unusual genetic code.

To add to your tank a variety of tetra species, I would recommend getting a larger tank so that they share a lot of breathing space and they also don't compete for territory.

But this article is for beginners, I recommend starting with a small 10-gallon tank for 5-6 tetras according to the species you like. If you want to know more about tetra species but not in this article. You can watch them for free right here.

And those are the 4 popular tetra species for every aquarist from beginner to expert. Now that you have enough information to bring home your favourite tetra aquarium, this is where you can visit.

Micro Aquatic Shop - Melbourne Fish Store Near Me.

Unit 15, 2-8 Daniel Street, Wetherill Park, NSW 2164

Customer support: (02) 8320 3037


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