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Beginners Guide

Super Cool Warrior GLass Cleaner

by JennyAquarium 15 May 2023 0 Comments


There are several types of Bristlenose fish in the world, including the common Bristlenose, the albino Bristlenose, the longfin bristlenose, the Calico bristlenose and the super red bristlenose. These fish come in a variety of sizes, shapes and colors and are a must-have in your Aquarium. It is important that you are in need of glass cleaning with a glass tank of what size? And you also need to take care of them properly. In general, Bristlenose Fish are beautiful aquarium creatures with the advantage of cleaning algae in the Aquarium.

About the Bristlenose:

The Bristlenose fish (Ancistrus cirrhosus) is a freshwater fish species in the Loricariidae family. Despite their cold exterior, they are docile, easy to care for, and get along well with other fish, making them a popular aquarium fish.

Characteristics of Appearance:

Bristlenose fish have a round shape, short body and thick scales. They usually range in color, from brown to black, and have white spots on the body. In particular, they have long, thick antennae in front of their eyes, like the antennae of thieves. This creates a distinct and unique character for this fish. Make them one of the most loved fish for their fancy at first sight.

 Biological feature:

Bristlenose fish are omnivores that can live for 5 to 8 years or up to 10 years. They are capable of eating algae, seaweed, veggies, and insects. Bristlenose cleans the aquarium with its mouth like a magic suction cup, consuming all types of algae, algae, and germs on the tank's glass surfaces. This saves you a significant amount of time cleaning the Aquarium during the week


How should I care for my Bristlenose fish?

  • Bristlenose fish are easy to care for and environmentally beneficial. They can be kept in aquariums with a capacity of 40 gallons or more and water temperatures ranging from 20 to 28 degrees Celsius. The aquarium must be equipped with a filtration system to ensure a clean and safe habitat for the fish, as well as enough lighting and other equipment.
  • Furthermore, they must be fed the appropriate amount and type of food for this fish. Bristlenose fish food might contain vegetables, seaweed, algae, and aquarium fish food.

Bristlenose fish reproductive characteristics:

  • Bristlenose fish can reproduce both in captivity and in the wild. This is a type of fish that lays eggs and builds nests in caves or cliffs.
  • Bristlenose fish can lay eggs all year, although the primary spawning season is in the spring and summer. The time it takes for eggs to hatch varies on the temperature of the water, but it normally takes 5 to 10 days
  • Depending on the size of the mother, a Bristlenose can lay 20 to 200 eggs at a single. The egg size is relatively small, barely approximately 2mm; however, the loss is offset by the quantity of eggs laid.

Egg and Baby Bristlenose Care

 The Bristlenose mother will care for the eggs and young after spawning, to safeguard the eggs and young from outside hazards, the mother fish will always stay close to the nest. Within 5 to 7 days of hatching, the young will be fed egg bra.

The following types of Bristlenose Fish are required:
  •   Glass cleaning fish consume a wide range of meals, including algae, moss, algae, plants, crustaceans, debris, and minute insects. It can also eat bran pellets, cold worms, and worms. But especially all types of algae, moss, and excess algae clinging to the glass's surface

  • Bristlenose fish are divided into several species, each with its own color. Bristlenose fish are often black, dark brown, gray, or silver grey in hue. Other hues found in some species include yellow, orange, white, and pale blue


  • If the given information on a Bristlenose Fish is insufficient, a video clip is provided for your convenience.


  • Do not overthink it, but come to Microaquatics Shop to observe the "little friends" in the Aquarium and enjoy the moments first by visiting our Website:               

Moreover, please contact us if you want assistance:

 Customer support: (02) 8320 3037


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