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All You Need To Know About Vallisneria – Growing, Breeding, and Tank Mate.

by Catherine Tran 13 May 2023 0 Comments

All You Need To Know About Vallisneria – Growing, Breeding, and Tank Mate.



Vallisneria is a classic aquatic plant. It is also one of the most popular and easy-to-grow plants in the aquarium hobby.

This plant is used to create vertical accents on the base of the planters; some varieties can also be used to embellish the center area. Vallisneria has a tall structure and bright ribbon-like green leaves, and they reproduce quickly in aquariums.

Vallisneria habitat.

Vallisneria are aquatic plants in rivers, streams, lakes, and wetlands that flow slowly to rapidly. The female flowers grow on long, thin, spirally coiled scales that are green and float on water, while the male flowers develop at the base. Vallisneria is found in tropical and subtropical regions of the world.

Their leaves are bright green, rosette, long, wide, or narrow, depending on the species, protruding above the water surface, so they can form dense green clumps suitable for the breeding purposes of some fish species.


The most popular varieties of Vallisneria.

Vallisneria is available in the Micro Aquatic shop. However, it would be best if you depended on the size of your tank and where you want to place the plants in it.

With its huge size, this species is only suitable for large (tall) aquariums where it can grow and develop normally. Another downside is that they grow fast but propagate slowly.

Vallisneria spiral:



This species is also known as Vallisneria Straight. It has bright green leaves that are usually 5 longitudinally ribbed, ribbon-shaped, 5 – 12 mm (max. 0.5 inches) wide, and 40 – 50 cm (16 – 20 inches) long. Still, it can grow even higher in its natural habitat.

Also known as Vallisneria spiral var, this species has wider and thicker leaves with stripes or spots. The term 'spiral' refers to the flower stalk, not the leaf. Under favorable conditions, the spiral Vallisneria will multiply rapidly, filling the tank bed with dense growth.

Requirements for storage tanks and water parameters.

Maintaining optimal water values and the best-growing conditions is key to ensuring that Vallisneria stays healthy, promoting overall growth and development.

Tank Size:

You will need a larger tank to grow large species like Vallisneria gigantea. The minimum tank size for growing Vallisneria is 10 gallons. For smaller tanks, you can use Dwarf Sagittaria. They look quite similar, but Dwarf Sagittaria is much smaller.

Water Type, Temperature, Hardness, and pH:

Water Temperature: Vallisneria grows ideally in water temperatures between 68 – 82 °F (20 – 28 °C); it is also known to be able to tolerate temperatures between 15 – 30 °C (59 – 86) °F).

pH: The ideal pH value for growing Vallisneria is 6.5 – 8.0. It does not grow well in too acidic conditions.

Hardness: Vallisneria can withstand hard water and soft water equally. However, it will grow best at water hardness between 4 - 18 GH.


Vallisneria adapts to medium to high light. Low light will encourage tall leaves. Strong light helps plants maintain vibrant green leaves and promotes vigorous side shoots' growth.




Vallisneria is one of the easiest aquatic plants to grow. It will grow in any substrate, including gravel or smooth sand, if your fish and snails produce sufficient bio (waste). In this case, you may not even need any additional fertiliser.




Vallisneria needs a sturdy turner. However, a nutrient-rich substrate will certainly benefit plants. Sand substrates will slow their propagation rate as they have difficulty developing roots.



Taking advantage of the root nodules is advisable to provide more nutrients to the plant. The application of fertilisers facilitates plant growth and limits the possibility of nutrient deficiency because this plant requires a lot of nutrients.

Care and maintenance of Vallisneria.

Vallisneria care is easy as it adapts quickly to different conditions. It is also one of the few aquatic plants that can be grown in brackish water.

Root nodules contain essential macro and micronutrients that promote vigorous root growth, give seedlings a strong start, and keep mature plants growing well. The roots should be inserted in the middle of the gravel layer and replaced after a while according to the instructions for use.

Liquid fertilisers such as Seachem Flourish and Iron Armor supplement plants. They are a good source of essential nutrients and just the right amount of carbon to keep your aquatic plants lush and healthy.


However, we would always choose a base fertiliser if you need to choose between a liquid fertiliser and a base fertiliser. Since Vallisneria is a root absorbent, it will benefit the most from root fertilisers.


Pruning Vallisneria.

Vallisneria species produce rapid vertical shoots that will shade small trees. The tops of the letter's overgrown leaves should be pruned with pruning shears.



It would be best if you did not let them grow all the way to the top of the tank because they will form a thick layer of foliage that obscures the light for aquatic plants below. Cut leaves will heal, and they will not continue to grow. Vallisneria will usually regrow new leaves in place of damaged leaves.


How to grow and propagate Vallisneria.

Using tweezers or bare fingers, you can place the plant in a medium, preferably smooth gravel or coarse sand. All you have to do is plug the plants right into the medium, then adjust them slightly so there are roots underneath.

Plants should be planted in small groups in the centre or base of the aquarium for best results. Vallisneria also reproduces by flowering and seed production, although this is rarely seen in aquariums.


Benefits of Vallisneria.

Vallisneria is a feeding ground for fish, shrimp and snails. In addition, this plant will be a different place for the growth of biofilms, making it an ideal first food for fry and hatchlings.

Shrimps and small fish will use Vallisneria as shelter and spawning grounds to lay eggs. Vallisneria will absorb and utilise harmful chemicals released from animal waste, decaying plant matter and tap water, such as nitrate, CO2, ammonia, heavy metals etc. water.

Vallisneria helps to reduce the overall likelihood of algae blooms in the tank. The plant is greedy for nutrients, so it will grow faster than the algae.

Vallisneria-associated disease problems.

Chlorosis is when the plant loses its green colour due to iron deficiency or lack of quality light.

Rot: Stems can rot if buried too deeply in the medium. The plant will gradually deplete, and the leaves will begin to wither. This can lead to potential plant death. Vallisneria does not adapt well to unstable CO2 and low nitrate concentrations.

In addition, leaf melt in the early stages of planting is also very common. This is mainly due to changes in water conditions, or the current aquarium has a different water concentration than its previous environment.

It may take some time for the tree to return to normal. However, if the roots are in good condition, Vallisneria will thrive once it is acclimated to the tank.

Leaves are red: Many species of Vallisneria can have some change in leaf colour when they are in too much light or when there are not enough nutrients to feed them.

Tank mates with Vallisneria.

Vallisneria species have rough and rough leaves that make most plant-eating fish inedible. Only bottom-drilling fishes will harm the plant as they will easily pull the roots out of the medium.

Although it is not a fragile plant, aggressive fish can still tear it apart. Therefore. We do not recommend this for cichlids or aggressive aquariums.

Vallisneria will grow perfectly in freshwater tanks containing spawning fish. Dense shrubs serve as spawning grounds and shelters for shrimp and small fish. Snails and dwarf shrimp also love this plant; you will often find them crawling on the leaves without harming it.

Some examples of suitable tank mates for Vallisneria:

Catfish Otocinclus.


Neocaridina (Red Cherry Shrimp, Blue Velvet Shrimp, Black Pink Shrimp, Snow Shrimp, Orange Shrimp, Turquoise Shrimp).




Pygmy Cory catfish.

Neon Tetras.

Guppies fish.


Ghost shrimp.




Malaysian snail.


Mystery snail.


Buy Vallisneria

Vallisneria species can be easily found at local aquarium stores. You can also purchase these plants online at the Micro Aquatic Shop. The variety of choices depends greatly on the size of your aquarium and where you want to place it.


I WANT Buy Vallisneria NOW : Vallisneria Thin - 5 cm pot – Micro Aquatic Shop

Vallisneria gigantea is only recommended when you have a larger tank. It is best suited for larger aquariums that are huge in size and have a vigorous growth rate. It's best to closely examine the plant, read the reviews before buying, and ensure the specimen has fresh leaves and roots.


Put Vallisneria in the tank.

Unless you are certain that Vallisneria is disease-free and healthy, i.e. it was grown under sterile/laboratory conditions (in vitro), and the in vitro pot is not damaged or open. You must isolate and disinfect the rest first to avoid the risk of contamination and poisoning.

DO NOT put a new plant in your tank right after you buy it.

Plants can have parasites and pests like snails. It may also have chemical residue (pesticide) to eliminate parasites, snails, etc. These chemicals are extremely toxic to fish, shrimp and other invertebrates.

Note: If you decide to disinfect Vallisneria, be careful with bleach, use a weaker concentration or other ways.


This plant has been known to be one of the best plants in the hobby, and I'm sure you all know why. It is an attractive and undemanding plant often used to create a beautiful contrast in the background of your home aquariums.

Vallisneria is the perfect choice for beginners because it is easy to grow, tolerates temperature changes excellently and does not require minimal care to grow for a long time.

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