The truth about guppies spawning 2000 fry in their lifetime.

One of the reasons I hear people raving about their guppies is that they are easy to care for, smart, and have a beautiful appearance.

When I ask my clients “How long does it take for your guppies to spawn?”

“Very quickly, just not paying attention to them for a short time, they will fill the tank automatically” - this is the answer of one of the many customers who bought guppies at Micro Aquatic Shop.

But how to tell a guppy is pregnant?

What do you need to prepare so that the guppies have the right environment to reproduce quickly?


You are here and you are new to aquarium keeping, guppies are definitely the perfect first choice for you.

And you also intend in the future to have income from guppies, you must accompany me through this article

I will share with you in great detail how to tell a guppy pregnant, while also providing some tips on how you can prepare if your guppies become pregnant and give birth.

Let’s dive in detail with me!

Guppies are species that tend to reproduce continuously when conditions are right.

There are many ways to tell if you have pregnant guppies in your tank

You witness mating

One of the easiest ways to know for sure that you have pregnant guppies is to witness the mating process.

Guppies don't mind spawning and they are flexible during spawning

If you pay close attention, you will see some pregnant guppies swimming with other fishes

In other words, if you have male and female fish in the same tank, there is a good chance that mating will take place.

So how does breeding work with guppies?


Well, these freshwater fish are living people.

That means eggs develop inside the uterus before the female gives birth to full-fledged children.

Fertilization takes place inside the female's body, so don't expect to see the female lay eggs like other species.

Under the right conditions, the male will initiate the mating process by chasing the female around the tank.

The mating ritual can last several minutes, but the act of insemination is brief and easy to miss that most aquarists don't even notice.

These are the many reasons why many of my clients wonder why they don't see them mating and the female fish get pregnant.

There are changes in the appearance of Gravid's spot.

The dark skin of the uterus is located just behind the anal fin, this area is usually visible in female guppies whether they are pregnant or not because of their transparent belly skin.

When the egg is successfully fertilized, the young begin to develop in the nest.

Important Note:

As your pregnancy nears the end, you may even see tiny dots in the pregnancy site.

Believe it or not, those spots are the eyes of the babies inside!

Belly gets bigger.

Female guppies are inherently chubby, but the increase in size due to pregnancy is a bit different.

Most notably, the abdomen begins to bulge.

There are other reasons why guppies' bellies may be larger. Illnesses such as ascites and swim bladder disease may be to blame.

Pay attention to that attraction! That is the most obvious difference between a sick and pregnant guppy.

You notice changes in behaviour

Many pregnant female guppies also begin to have behavioural changes.

Females tend to become quite aggressive when they are pregnant.

Although they may display some aggressive behaviour towards any fish that gets in their way, pregnant females tend to channel most of their anger on the males.

That's because the males will often continue to try to mate with her even after she's already pregnant.

If the male continues to be aggressive, the females may even resort to biting their fins!


Once the gestation period is over and the fish is about to give birth, you will notice some more extreme behavioural changes.

The first is a new aversion to food.

Guppies tend to avoid eating right before birth. If they eat, you can see them spit the food out afterwards.

Pregnant females will also begin to seek refuge.

She will prefer to hide as she tries to find a peaceful place to give birth.

Towards the end of pregnancy, guppies will also experience some incontinence. These include laboured breathing and body convulsions.

Length of pregnancy

Guppies have a gestation period of about 21 to 31 days, and birth lasts only two to six hours.

You should keep the tank clean and monitor the condition regularly.

Guppies can give birth in standard tropical tank conditions, but everything needs to be maintained to ensure the health of the mother.

At times when guppies spawn, there is no guarantee of survival.

Some fry will inevitably die soon after birth whether it is due to being eaten by other fish or due to natural causes, a 100% survival rate is very rare.

Older females with some experience tend to have a smoother pregnancy and childbirth than females who are still young.

Maybe you don't know:

It is an impressive fact that guppies can get pregnant quite quickly after giving birth.

Females can have a new litter every month! Common spawning fish can easily give birth to more than 2,000 offspring in a lifetime!

How to Prepare Baby Guppies.


If you want to maximize your odds of survival, you need to take several steps to prepare for the upcoming birth.

Confining pregnant fish alone will reduce stress greatly. Moreover, it will give the cubs a fighting chance to survive.

You don't need a large spawn tank. In fact, a small 10-gallon aquarium would be suitable for this birthing journey

Whatever you do, pay special attention that the young have plenty of places to hide and remove the mother from the brood as soon as they're done spawning.

Baby guppies aquarium.


Guppies are significantly larger than most fish that hatch from eggs.

As a result, they can eat larger foods while still in the womb.

The best food is young brine shrimp.

It is high in protein and fat, so prepare a batch right before the mother guppies give birth.

Prepare the tank to house the guppies separately for about two to three months.

At that point, they are sexually mature and ready to join larger community pools.

And that is the life cycle of guppies that you can breed by yourself in your aquarium tank.

You are looking for a reputable place to buy guppies, Micro Aquatic Shop has a breeding room to produce hundreds of healthy fish that are easy to adapt to when entering a new tank.

Just Click Here Now To Buy.


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