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Shrimps 101

A Guide for Keeping Freshwater Shrimp

by Amit Jat 01 Apr 2022 0 Comments

If you're looking to add variety to your aquarium, freshwater shrimp are a great option. These beautiful creatures come in a wide range of colours and patterns and can make a real statement in your tank.

Freshwater shrimp are relatively easy to care for, but there are a few things you need to know before you get started. This article will cover everything you need to know about keeping freshwater shrimp in your aquarium.

So, what do you need to know about keeping freshwater shrimp? First of all, it's important to choose the right species for your tank. There are many different types of freshwater shrimp available, and not all of them will do well in every aquarium. So, do some research to determine which species is best suited to your particular setup.

Once you've chosen your shrimp, it's important to acclimate them properly. When you add new shrimp to your tank, they will need time to adjust to the change in water conditions. The best way to do this is to slowly add them to your aquarium over some time. This will give them time to get used to the new water and avoid any stress or shock.

Once your shrimp are acclimated, you'll need to provide them with the right environment. Freshwater shrimp need clean water to thrive, so keeping your tank well-filtered and free of debris is important. They also prefer a sandy substrate, similar to their natural habitat. You can also add some live plants to your shrimp tank, which will provide them with hiding places and help keep the water clean.

Finally, you'll need to provide your shrimp with the right diet; freshwater shrimp feed on algae and detritus in the wild. In your aquarium, you can provide them with various foods, such as frozen or live foods, algae tablets, and shrimp pellets. Be sure to give them a variety of foods to ensure they're getting all the nutrients they need.

You can successfully keep freshwater shrimp in your aquarium by following these simple tips. With a little bit of care and attention, you'll be able to enjoy these beautiful creatures for years to come.

The Two Main Genuses: Neocaridina & Caridina

  • Neocaridina - Neocaridina shrimp are the most common type of freshwater shrimp in the aquarium trade. They are easy to care for and make great additions to any freshwater aquarium. Caridina shrimp, on the other hand, is a bit more challenging to care for but is well worth the effort. Both genuses of shrimp are popular among aquarists and have various colors and patterns to choose from.
  • Caridina - Caridina shrimp are native to Africa, while Neocaridina shrimp are native to Asia. Caridina shrimp are more difficult to care for than Neocaridina shrimp and require more attention. They are also less tolerant of changes in water parameters and need to be acclimated slowly to new conditions. Caridina shrimp are more delicate than Neocaridina shrimp and are not recommended for beginners.

Different Breeds of Shrimp have different water requirements

Different breeds of shrimp have different water requirements. Some species of freshwater shrimp are more tolerant of changes in water quality and can even thrive in brackish or saltwater conditions. However, most freshwater shrimp require specific water parameters to stay healthy and breed successfully.

In general, freshwater shrimp prefer clean, well-oxygenated water with a neutral to slightly acidic pH. They also need access to plenty of hiding places and live plants and a diet of algae, small insects, and other organic matter.

Some shrimp are much more delicate than others and require extremely precise water conditions to stay healthy. For example, Crystal Red shrimp are very sensitive to changes in water quality and will only thrive in an aquarium with stable parameters.

If you're thinking of keeping freshwater shrimp, it's important to do your research and choose a species suited to your setup. These beautiful and fascinating creatures can make a great addition to any aquarium with the right care.

Some Common Diseases of Freshwater Shrimp and How to Treat Them?

There are several common diseases that can affect freshwater shrimp. Some of the most common include:

- White spot disease: This is a contagious disease caused by a parasitic worm. It causes white spots to form on the shrimp's body and eventually leads to death. Treatment involves using a commercial white spot treatment or quarantining the affected shrimp.

- Redleg disease: This is a bacterial infection that causes red or orange patches to form on the shrimp's legs. It can be treated with antibiotics, but it is important to catch it early to prevent the shrimp from developing septicemia.

- Black Gill Disease: This is another bacterial infection that affects the gills of the shrimp. It can be treated with antibiotics, but it is important to catch it early to prevent the shrimp from developing septicemia.

- Hexamita: This is a parasitic infection that causes white spots on the shrimp's body and can eventually lead to death. Treatment involves using a commercial Hexamita treatment or quarantining the affected shrimp.

If you suspect that your shrimp has any of these diseases, it is important to seek treatment as soon as possible to prevent the disease from spreading and causing more serious health problems.

What Freshwater Shrimp Eat and the Best Foods to Feed Them

One of the most common questions people ask about keeping freshwater shrimp is, "what do they eat?" The good news is that there are various food options available for these little critters. Freshwater shrimp typically feed on algae, small insects, and other organic matter in the wild. But in captivity, they can be easily fed a diet of pellets, flakes, vegetables, and even live food.

When it comes to commercial food options, a few different brands make shrimp-specific pellets and flakes. These are generally a good option as they contain all the nutrients your shrimp need. 

When feeding your freshwater shrimp, it's important to remember that they are grazers. This means that they prefer to nibble on small amounts of food throughout the day. So, it's best to offer them several small meals rather than one large one. This will help ensure that they get the nutrition they need and prevent them from overeating.

The Pros and Cons of Keeping Freshwater Shrimp

There are a lot of reasons to keep freshwater shrimp. They are beautiful and add interest to your aquarium. But before you go out and buy a bunch of shrimp, you should consider a few things.


-Freshwater shrimp are relatively easy to care for.

-They don't require a lot of space.

-They are scavengers, so they help keep your tank clean.

-They are peaceful and make a great addition to any community aquarium.

-They come in a variety of colors and patterns.


-Freshwater shrimp are delicate and can be easily killed by chemicals or other pollutants in the water.

-They are also susceptible to disease and parasites.

-If not cared for properly, they can quickly overpopulate your aquarium.

So, should you keep freshwater shrimp? The answer is ultimately up to you. Weigh the pros and cons and decide what's best for you and your aquarium.

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