Fresh Water Shrimp Care 101
Fresh Water Shrimp Care 101
Freshwater shrimp are remarkable if you are looking for something new and thrilling to add to your tropical fish tank. While retaining shrimp is a very one-of-a-kind experience than keeping tropical fish, shrimps are exceptional for retaining your tank smooth from algae and waste products. Also, it is enjoyable to observe. These sociable creatures will certainly create an animated environment and are pretty effortless to care for.
Shrimp interest has grown vastly in the past few years. These stunning tiny creatures have been profitable to make the area inside most of the aquarists’ hearts along with the community. Freshwater Aquarium Shrimps are the most beautiful and fascinating residing beings to exist inside your aquarium.
Food Habit
Shrimps don't seem to be picky eaters. They typically carry on algae, which is extremely useful for aquarists. Don’t keep or transfer shrimps on new tanks. The tank has to be cycled and matured as these shrimps take advantage of the biofilm that forms within the aquarium after being cycled or shrimps might not lead a healthy life.
When it involves feeding Freshwater Aquarium Shrimps, it’s always better to underfeed them rather than overfeeding. Overfeeding can cause harm to them while barely underfeeding maintains incredibly suitable to freshwater shrimps.
Some foods that are soy-based like snowflake food or dry leaf-based foods can stay within the tank and be diminished by bacteria and fungus of which the shrimp will eat. The quantity of food you feed is particular to the individual tank and shrimp numbers, some aquariums can feed every single day since they house many shrimp and other aquariums only house some shrimp.
Create Hiding Spaces
Keep Java Moss inside the Aquarium. It helps shrimps to hide their newborns and allow spaces for refuge and relaxation. It also makes the freshwater shrimps secure and creates a home space for them where it can breed at ease. Shrimps can also consume the java moss if there is no food available inside the tank. It is a cheap and affordable plant that you can purchase at any fish store where it grows rapidly and is safe for fish and shrimps.
Planted Shrimp Aquariums vs. Non-Planted
Most of the shrimp tanks are commonly planted. Plants can go together with most species of shrimp. Low mild setups can take benefit of moss and ferns. Higher lights setups can create floors of planted HC substrate and walls of Rotala. Planted setups require extra preservation but it will look good and enrich the aquarium with dissolved oxygen.
Non planted setups are less complicated to care for and require much less maintenance. It is more cost-effective and has its advantages. It is fantastically acceptable for rearing tanks or non-display tanks. Bare bottom tanks are also frequent when breeding and it will allow convenient cleaning access to the hobbyist.
Keep a Low pH Level Aquarium and a Good Temperature Range
The ideal pH level for most freshwater shrimp is between 7.5 and 8.5 but may vary according to other shrimp types with a specific temperature level.
Examples of pH and Types of Shrimp

Amano Shrimp 6.3-8.0
Ghost Shrimp 7.0-8.0
Snowball shrimp 7.0-7.5
Crystal red shrimp 6.6-6.9
Cardinal shrimp 7.8-8.2
Blue Tiger Shrimp 7.2-7.4
Bamboo Shrimp 6.5-7.5
It is important to measure the pH level accurately to keep a clean and healthy environment for your freshwater shrimps. pH Levels in shrimp aquariums can greatly affect them. It may shock, weaken or stop eating if pH level changes significantly. If the pH goes high or low for a long duration, it will cause them to grow slowly, hinder growth, prone to diseases, stress, less survival, and low production.
Water Requirement Level for Freshwater Shrimp
10 gallons is recommended for regular-sized aquariums and 5 gallons are often used for smaller ones. Shrimps are often more sensitive than fish when it comes to water quality. Avoid copper and excess calcium within the water. It mostly applies to aquarium invertebrates like tropical shrimp. Try to avoid any medications and coverings with copper traces to prevent any complications inside the aquarium.
Filtration and Aeration
Just like the different aquatic creatures, the shrimp requires acceptable and proper filtration and aeration of the water more importantly in large colonies. The fundamental filtration setup is both an underground gravel filter and a sponge filter that will not suck in shrimps.
Water Additives in the Aquarium
Be mindful of what you add into your tank, such as supplementation for your plants or anything to assist in eliminating the diseases of your shrimps. Shrimp are sensitive to copper, and you could cease up killing all your shrimp.
Proper Lighting
The LED lighting is highly recommended and affordable to use for aquarium. To avoid excess algae growth, it should be set to a maximum of 8 hours a day.
Compatibility to Other Species
Choosing a tank-mate together with the freshwater shrimps can be a little bit delicate. Don’t add smaller crustacean species to the aquarium with large, lively and active carnivorous shrimp. Larger fish like; Cichlids, Angelfish, and Barbs will mistake little shrimps for food. Research is the best option when adding another tank-mate to your freshwater shrimp. Guppies, tetras, and platys are a good choice given that it is small and won’t harm the shrimps but might harm the babies since it can be a very easy meal for them. Snails like; Red Ramshorns, Nerite or Trumpet snails can be great mates with freshwater shrimps too. Some snails act as scavengers and keep the tank glass clean.
We hope you have learned from this article on shrimp care. In conclusion, Freshwater shrimp come in a variety of sizes and hues with some being more adaptable to aquarium life than others. It is also essential to observe that some species of shrimp are nicely stored in tanks without the fish since some fish prey on shrimp and other small invertebrates. If you can discover a pairing that works well, you may be able to combine shrimp and fish collectively in your tank. Just be sure to supply your shrimp with food and water stipulations that will be needed.
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