Sunset Guppy
Guppy Description We also offer a beautiful collection of Guppy. The long trailing fins of these fishes resemble a skirt and enhance their beauty. Our fishes are widely praised for their beautiful skin and appealing look. The males of guppies fishes are brighter than females. Features...- 9.95 AUD
15.00 AUD- 9.95 AUD
- Unit price
- per
Endler - Chilli Guppy Red
Endler Guppies (Red Chilli) - Vibrant and Hardy Freshwater Fish In Australia, we love aquariums and have found treasure in Endler Guppies, or "Red Chilli" guppies. These fish are a hit with their bright colours and tough nature. At Micro Aquatic Shop, we're proud to...- From 8.00 AUD
12.00 AUD- From 8.00 AUD
- Unit price
- per
Endler -Golden Japanese Blue
✅ Size: 2 cm. ✅ Endler Guppys are very hardy and undemanding in the aquarium, and they will thrive with the standard freshwater tropical set-up and parameters. They appear to thrive even more in planted tanks, which more closely resemble their natural environment. Endlers prefer...- From 9.00 AUD
14.95 AUD- From 9.00 AUD
- Unit price
- per
Endler - French Blue Star
✅ Size: 2cm. - High Grade Pure Strain ✅ Endler Guppys are very hardy and undemanding in the aquarium, and they will do well with the standard freshwater tropical set-up and parameters. They appear to thrive even more in planted tanks, as this more closely...- From 12.00 AUD
14.95 AUD- From 12.00 AUD
- Unit price
- per
Gold Snakeskin Guppy Male
Guppy Description We also offer a beautiful collection of Guppy. The long trailing fins of these fishes resemble a skirt and enhance their beauty. Our fishes are widely praised for their beautiful skin and appealing look. The males of guppies fishes are brighter than females. Features...- From 14.95 AUD
19.00 AUD- From 14.95 AUD
- Unit price
- per
Yabbie – Blue Claw Yabby / Crayfish 4cm
Note : Yabby can have 2 claws or 1 claw as they can fight with each other and lose the claw . We sell them happy and healthy , however , it can be 1 claw sometime . Yabby claw will grow back . ...- From 12.00 AUD
60.00 AUD- From 12.00 AUD
- Unit price
- per
Ramshorn Snail - Red
✅ Ramshorn Snails are very attractive and are great for adding some color and decoration to your aquarium, but they also serve some very useful purposes. They clean algae off of glass, plants, and decorations, they eat hair algae, and they keep your substrate clean...- From 5.00 AUD
6.00 AUD- From 5.00 AUD
- Unit price
- per
Rare Ramshorn Snail - Pink
✅ Pink Ramshorn Snail is calm, peaceful, and non-aggressive by nature. It has no means to attack its tank mates and has only its shell and operculum to defend itself from predators. Snails can be very active during lighted times, effortlessly moving throughout the tank...- 15.00 AUD
15.00 AUD- 15.00 AUD
- Unit price
- per
Rare Ramshorn Snail Package ( 1 Pink + 1 Cherry Red + 1 Blue )
This package consists of: Pink Ramshorn Snail x 1 Cherry Red ramshorn Snail x 1 Blue Ramshorn Snail x 1 Save 10% when buying this package from total price of each ✅ Rare Ramshorn Snails are very attractive and are great for adding some color...- 25.00 AUD
29.00 AUD- 25.00 AUD
- Unit price
- per
Ramshorn Snail - Blue - Blue leopard
Blue Ramshorn Snails for Sale - Stunning Aquatic Companions We're super excited at Micro Aquatic Shop to tell you about our Blue Ramshorn Snail for sale. These freshwater snails are not only beautiful with their bright colors, but also great for your tank. They...- 12.00 AUD
15.00 AUD- 12.00 AUD
- Unit price
- per
Ramshorn Snail Package (2 Red, 2 Leopard, 2 Pink ramshorn)
This package consists of: Red Ramshorn Snail x 2 Leopard Ramshorn Snail x 2 Pink Ramshorn Snail x 2 SIZE 0.5-1cm per snail Save 10% when buying this package from total price of each ? Ramshorn Snails are very attractive and are great for adding some...- 29.00 AUD
41.00 AUD- 29.00 AUD
- Unit price
- per
Guppy - High Dorsal Albıno Full Red Pair
High Dorsal Albıno Full Red Guppy Description We also offer a beautiful collection of red guppies fish. Long trailing fins of these fishes resembles like a skirt and enhance their beauty. Our fishes are widely praised for beautiful skin and appealing look. The males...- From 80.00 AUD
85.00 AUD- From 80.00 AUD
- Unit price
- per
Albino Blue Topaz Guppy - Rare
Albino Blue Topaz Guppy ✅ The Аlbinо Blue Tораz is оne оf mаny unique vаrieties оf Роeсiliа retiсulаtа guррy develорed thrоugh yeаrs оf саreful, seleсtive breeding. ✅ Thоugh guррies аre tyрiсаlly knоwn fоr their vibrаnt соlоurаtiоn, the mаle Аlbinо Blue Tораz feаtures аn exсiting blue-оrаnge соlоurаtiоn...- From 49.00 AUD
75.00 AUD- From 49.00 AUD
- Unit price
- per
Purple Mystery Snail
✅ These beautiful аnd striking large snаils аre greаt fоr аdding соlоr tо yоur аquаrium, they аlsо serve sоme very useful рurроses. They are very good at cleaning algae off of glass, decorations and plants, . they also eаt hаir аlgаe, аnd they keeр yоur substrаte сleаn...- From 18.00 AUD
34.95 AUD- From 18.00 AUD
- Unit price
- per
Chestnut Mystery Snail
✅ Оur Сhestnut Mystery Snаils аre bred аnd rаised here in individuаl tаnks thаt hоuse eасh соlоr seраrаtely sо thаt оur snаils аren't mixed with оther соlоrs. We hаve been seleсtive breeding fоr соlоr in оur mystery snаils tо get the best соlоr we роssibly...- 8.00 AUD
24.00 AUD- 8.00 AUD
- Unit price
- per
Brown/Black Mystery Snail
These large and striking snails are great for adding some colour to your aquarium, but they also serve some beneficial purposes. They clean algae off of glass, plants, and decorations, they eat hair algae, and they keep your substrate clean and the correct colour. ...- 12.00 AUD
16.00 AUD- 12.00 AUD
- Unit price
- per
Yabbie – Blue Claw Yabby / Crayfish 12cm
Note : Yabby can have 2 claws or 1 claw as they can fight with each other and lose the claw . We sell them happy and healthy , however , it can be 1 claw sometime . Yabby claw will grow back . ...- From 29.99 AUD
0.00 AUD- From 29.99 AUD
- Unit price
- per
Dumbo Red Mosaic Guppy
Dumbo Platinum Red Mosaic Guppy Description We also offer a beautiful collection of Guppy. The long trailing fins of these fishes resemble a skirt and enhance their beauty. Our fishes are widely praised for their beautiful skin and appealing look. The males of guppies fishes are...- 15.00 AUD
21.00 AUD- 15.00 AUD
- Unit price
- per
Endler - Back Line ( pair )
✅ Size: 2 cm. ✅ Endler Guppys are very hardy and undemanding in the aquarium, and they will thrive with the standard freshwater tropical set-up and parameters. They appear to thrive even more in planted tanks, which more closely resemble their natural environment. Endlers prefer...- From 9.00 AUD
24.95 AUD- From 9.00 AUD
- Unit price
- per
Neon Blone Endler Pair
✅ Size: 2 cm. ✅ Endler Guppys are very hardy and undemanding in the aquarium, and they will thrive with the standard freshwater tropical set-up and parameters. They appear to thrive even more in planted tanks, which more closely resemble their natural environment. Endlers prefer...- 19.95 AUD
24.95 AUD- 19.95 AUD
- Unit price
- per