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Beginners Guide

Care Guide Dwarf Gourami Professionally Like An Expert For Beginners.

by Catherine Tran 28 Aug 2023 0 Comments

Dwarf Gourami is one of the most popular freshwater fish nowadays. They look vibrant and do a great job of bringing pops of colour to your aquarium.

They are not only beautiful fish, but Dwarf Gourami is also very easy to keep and does not require you to spend a lot of effort when taking care of them.

Given this prominence, these fish will remain a staple of the freshwater aquarium community for a long time.

If you are a beginner in aquarium keeping, you will surely be attracted to Dwarf Gourami with its friendly appearance and personality.

In this article, I will share with you the Dwarf Gourami species and their habitats that you can start raising today. I also provide you with a diet, care and aquarium store that sells healthy Dwarf Gourami at a good price.

We hope you enjoyed this article!

Appearance and personality.

Dwarf-Honey- Gourami-for-sale

They are shy, easygoing and will not cause conflicts with other fish in your tank. However, they are comfortable in groups and they can protect each other and feed together.

Dwarf Gourami is a fish that lives in the middle and top of the water. Because of this, you may find them spending time near the top or middle of your aquarium so they can easily come to the surface when they need extra breath.


The average Dwarf Gourami size ranges from 8.5 cm to 11.4 cm. This can vary based on several factors but overall, you can expect your fish to reach this length.

Dwarf Gourami lifespan.

When properly cared for, Dwarf Gourami can live up to 4 years. Under stress, poor diet and inappropriate living conditions can significantly reduce this number. That's why it's so important to take care of them properly to maintain the longevity you desire.

What are the different types of Dwarf Gourami?

There are different types of Dwarf Gourami you can choose from (with blue being one of the most popular). Each has different bright and unique colors which will really make your tank stand out.

While there was a limited amount of variation in the past, their colouration has branched out a lot over time due to a genetic mutation that occurs with fish kept in aquariums.

The three most common types of Dwarf Gourami are listed below:

Why not start with the most popular first?


Blue Dwarf Gourami is known for its very bright and vibrant blue colour. It may sound strange but sometimes these choke fish can appear darker in color on the body.

We are huge fans of the blue variant and would especially recommend them to you, so you can add them to your tank.

Red Dwarf Gourami.


Red Dwarf Gourami has been known to many people for a long time. After they were first introduced into their world, due to colour mutations appearing on their bodies, a great deal of interest in breeding them became widespread.

This type of colouration is the cause of the beginning of great interest in breeding different variations of the dwarf goby fish. Such a wonderful combination that they have become a great inspiration to breeders all over the world!

You will notice Red Dwarf Gourami with a very bright appearance with orange and red transitions very clearly to their fins.

Dwarf Honey Gourami.

Dwarf-Honey- Gourami-for-sale

One thing we like about Dwarf honey Gourami is the clear monochromatic colour. It's a very eye-catching colour that's easy on the eyes without being overdone.

In rare cases, you may see a honey gourami Dwarf with dark spots or patches on their head. For the most part, the colour of their head will be the same as the colour of their body.

Dwarf honey Gourami has the most delicate colour among all varieties. They are known to be orange with red tints and their caudal fin is almost always colourless.

Before talking about tankmates with Dwarf Gourami, I will show you the aquarium store to buy healthy Dwarf Gourami. You can view them for free by clicking on the image below or if you are free tomorrow, visit the shop at:

Micro Aquatic Shop - The Aquatic Store Near Me.

Unit 15, 2-8 Daniel Street, Wetherill Park, NSW 2164


What are some tankmates for Dwarf Gourami?

Dwarf Gourami are known to be very peaceful when living with other fish. They grow well in tanks that do not cause aggression and mainly keep fish that are similar or smaller in size to them such as:




Be careful when placing Gourami in a tank with active fish can make them uncomfortable and stressed. In general, the addition of other gentle, inactive and bottom-dwelling fishes is best suited for Dwarf Gourami.

Dwarf Gourami tank size.

The minimum tank size for Dwarf Gourami is 40 liters (for up to 3 fish). If you have 4 or more fish then you will have to add 20 liters for each new fish.

If you put them in a smaller tank, their waste will accumulate so much that the system filter cannot handle it. This can cause ammonia levels in the tank to spike and can be fatal to your fish.

To prevent ammonia spikes due to fish waste, it is important to change 10-20% of the water each week so that the water is clean enough and your fish can live in an environment where they can live out their lifespan.

Important Expert Advice: Whether you're a novice aquarist or a seasoned expert, it's a good idea to use the Seachem Prime and Seachem Stability duo so that your tank has enough beneficial microorganisms for the fish while reducing ammonia and nitrite in the water keeping your fish safe. You should use combo seachem for each new water change and for the new tank to run.

Keeping your tank between 22°C – 27°C is also essential and pH 6-7,5.

When setting up their habitat, adding aquatic plants like java fern, moss, and anubias nana will help them thrive. Another useful addition, especially to the spawn tank, is to add some floating plants like the Red Root Floater, and Pennywort that block strong light (as long as they can reach the surface to breathe) and also provide a place to breathe, giving them a nest while they are in the breeding stage.

Dwarf Gourami diet.

Dwarf-Honey- Gourami-for-sale

Dwarf Gourami is not a picky eater! They feed on small bugs and larvae that live on the surface of the water. They also feed on insects that settle on algae growth (and the algae growth itself).

When in the tank environment, they can eat plant debris in the form of pellets, but can also eat live food. Always make sure when feeding Dwarf Gourami that you are feeding them food that is suitable for their species.

If you want to keep them healthy in the tank environment, you can occasionally feed them livelier foods like bloodworms, and brine shrimp.

Let's see what customers who have purchased Dwarf Gourami at Micro Aquatic have reviewed.




Dwarf Gourami care.

First, let them get acquainted with your tank. Dwarf Gourami is a very shy fish and gets scared easily when under stress. When bringing them into your tank, make sure you give them space. Once they have had time to acclimate to their new environment, they will begin to function normally.

Pay attention to your room temperature. When there is a significant difference between the humidity in the room and the water in the tank, this can cause health problems for your fish. As we said earlier, they will swim to the surface to breathe. If the temperature difference is too large, it can damage their lungs.

Keep your water quality up to date with a water pH test kit to make sure they are swimming and breathing in a suitable environment.

Final thought.

Those are the reasons why cucurbits are one of the most popular freshwater aquarium fish today.

Dwarf Gourami is a beautiful and fun fish to keep in your aquarium. They make everything alive, play happily with their fellow human beings and you will find it very interesting to observe them.

We hope that this care guide will help you ensure that your Dwarf Gourami lives a happy and healthy life. Don't forget to visit the Micro Aquatic website to see the fish, shrimp and snails that are being warmly sought by customers. See you in the next articles.

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