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Photosynthetic Bacteria PSB For Aquarium - Benefits, Applications & History

by Allyson Dillera 02 Oct 2019 0 Comments

Photosynthetic Bacteria PSB For Aquarium - Benefits, Applications & History

photosynthetic bacteria aquarium

PSB (Photosynthetic bacteria), just as the name suggests, are a special and unique class of microorganisms that has the ability to convert light energy into chemical energy using their light-absorbing pigments and reaction centres. These bacteria contain a compound known as bacteriochlorophyll which works similarly as chlorophyll in plants and enables them to perform the process of photosynthesis. Scientists are putting great importance in the study of these intriguing PSB (Photosynthetic bacteria) as they believe that the study of their photosynthesis and evolution might unlock some of the locked mysteries of how the world evolved and might help understand the process of potential life survival in uninhabitable.

There are mainly three types of photosynthetic bacteria:

  • Chlorobiacae
  • Chromatiacae
  • Rhodospirillacae

We can say that the process of photosynthesis in PSB (Photosynthetic bacteria) resembles the photosynthesis of plants as not everything is known and discovered by the scientists about PSB yet.  In the photosynthesis process, the light energy from the sun is converted into chemical energy on the cell membrane of bacteria that acts as a shield to protect and cover the bacteria. Depending on the surface area, the reaction centres are available on cell membranes in the form of tubes, sacs or sheets. These are used to absorb light energy. The energy is used to produce Carbohydrates for the bacteria as their food source which later on contributes to all the materials of the microorganism. 

Chlorobiacae bacteria

Chlorobiacae bacteria are green bacteria and also sulphur bacteria that perform anoxygenic photosynthesis. It works as an obligate photoautotroph and uses reduced sulphur species as electron donors. Rhodospirillacae is purple bacteria in rod-shape, whose length can vary. These purple colour Rhodospirillacae bacteria are eye-catching and easily identifiable. Hydrogen gas is used as an electron donor by these purple bacteria and can also use malate or succinate. There is another purple microorganism known as Chromatiacae which are short gram-negative rods. These bacteria use sulphide and sulphur as their electron donor.



History of Photosynthetic Bacteria:

Photosynthetic features were found in purple bacteria before the 19th century as they showed movement and growth when it came into contact with light. A German botanist S. Winogradsky found that some purple bacteria used hydrogen sulphide to sulphate with intracellular deposition of sulphur.

photosynthetic bacteria

In 1930, C.B. Van Niel demonstrated anoxygenic photosynthesis is the primary mode of energy-releasing metabolism in green and purple bacteria. 

On the other hand, S., a German botanist observed that some purple bacteria can utilize hydrogen sulphide to sulphate (1930) defined various metabolic versions of and demonstrated that it is the characteristic mode of energy-yielding metabolism in both purple and green bacteria. Hydrogen is used as donors in place of water which helped to reduce CO2 to NADPH2 and atmospheric nitrogen is also reduced to ammonia.

In 1975, Parson and Cogdell isolated functional complexes from photosynthetic bacteria. It was found that the reaction centre from the purple and non-sulphur bacteria contains 4 molecules of chlorophyll, 2 molecules of bacteriopheophytin, 1 or 2 molecules of ubiquinone, and 1 atom of ferrous iron along with three polypeptides. The various photosynthetic bacteria are further classified into 35 different groups wherein group 10 consists of anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria (purple and green bacteria) and group 11 consists of oxygenic phototrophic bacteria (cyanobacteria). There is another kind of oxygenic bacteria was discovered recently which was place under Prochlorophyta that is like a bridge between Chlorophyta and Cyanophyta.


Application of PSB (Photosynthetic Bacteria) in Aquaspace: 

When it comes to man-made ecosystems like tanks, ponds or aquariums, in order to have control over the processes and procedures of the aquatic life, PSB is used. It helps in the health management of the aquaspace and benefits the aquatic life like shrimps, or fish. It also helps degrade organic waste and keeps the aquarium clean. Due to the tropical weather of Asia, the purple non-sulphur bacteria are normally preferred to be used in hot spring environments, marine, freshwater, and soil. 

The bacterial cell wall of these bacteria is more digestible. Also, vitamins, proteins, biological cofactors, and carotenoids are found in abundance in these bacteria. A little addition of these PSB helps stimulate the growth of fish and shrimp. It also improves the production of scallop seed and increases the fish larvae survival rate.

Different experiments were performed which shows that using PSB reduces the damage to larvae production and their survival rate is much higher. Many PSB products claim to have multiple effects such as improve water quality, prevent diseases and increases growth rate, all the same time. The use of PSB can help maintain an aquarium in better condition and can increase fish production too. 


Characteristics of PSB (Photosynthetic Bacteria): 

  • To maintain water quality and soil quality.
  • It requires less oxygen thus will not drain the aquarium oxygen.
  • It helps purify water of the pond or aquarium.

Healthy Aquarium Cycle

Benefits of using PSB Bacteria in the aquarium:

PSB greatly contributes to the nitrogen cycle of the aquarium. Following are some benefit of using PSB bacteria in the aquarium:

  • PSB helps improves the quality of water in an aquarium. 
  • It helps decompose many toxic matters such as nitrous acid, organic materials, ammonia, pond sludge, and hydrogen sulphide. 
  • It enhances the disease resistance capacity of an aquarium.
  • It not only purifies the water quality but increases oxygen dissolution capacity. 
  • It helps reduces the chemical and antibiotic usage as it prevents aquatic life from disease. It also helps decreasing diseases by restraining the pathogenic bacteria counts in the water.
  • It also helps decrease COD, SS (suspended substances) and BOD and improve water quality.
  • It is rich in nutrition as it contains vitamin B, vitamin A, vitamin D, protein and others.
  • It helps improve the appetite of fish and shrimps and their digestion.
  • It helps promote botanical plankton growth.

Best beneficial bacteria for aquarium:

To keep the conditions of your aquarium stable, clean and growth supportive then you ought to you use good PSB products. Here we are listing the best beneficial bacteria for aquarium:

  • API Quick Start
  • Fritz Aquatics FritzZyme Nitrifying Bacteria
  • Tetra SafeStart Plus
  • Fluval Hagen Biological Enhancer
  •  Dr Tim’s Aquatics Natural Aquarium Cleaner

As we want to create the best possible environment for little inhabitants of our aquarium, focus on buying the right and reliable PSB (Photosynthetic bacteria) products that are worth your investment and prolongs the quality and length of the lives of aquatic creatures. 

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